Rear End Collision IV with solar panels

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Technical Discussion' started by llyons, Oct 7, 2017.

  1. llyons

    llyons Junior Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    2013 Prius
    Hi everyone!

    I was hoping to get some input on what to look out for as far as an adjusters evaluation.

    I was at a stop light and hit by a pick up going at least 30 who didn’t attempt to break. Remarkably the damage doesn’t look super bad. But I’ve heard horror stories of over heated batteries, solar panels that no longer work properly, transmission issues, and keyless entry problems that arise.

    My car had to be towed because the bumper was wrapped around the rear wheels and part of the front rear wheels were stuck too. Does anyone know what all is wired or works through the back that I should look out for? I did get an attorney, but I’m still worried things won’t be the same and really want to be aware of what to look out for.

    Thanks in advance for your help! Of course the best thing of all of this is son and I aside from being sore and aches are ok. The trucks front end appeared more damaged. At the time of accident, I noticed a weird smell. But, not sure if it was from the truck or my car.
  2. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    bummer, glad you folks are all right.

    you've got the 12v in the corner, and of course all the rear lighting. rear view cam? it's a ways to the hybrid battery, and there may be some electrical underneath for pollution control with the gas tank, not sure.
    all the best!(y)
    llyons and esam1975 like this.
  3. llyons

    llyons Junior Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    2013 Prius
    Hi and TY!

    This is my 3rd Prius and hadn’t been in such a hard feeling collision. Tboned from the side in our first by another truck and all 4 of us at the time walked fine. So, I’m in love! Not sure I can get another car ever. I just want to make sure nothing is overlooked. Things have been shady with the insurance and it’s made me more on the alert.

    I appreciate your time.
    bisco likes this.
  4. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    it's all about the body shoppe and insurance adjuster. make sure you get a qualified shoppe with an owner you can discuss things with during the repair process. he'll take care of the adjuster.
    llyons and Grit like this.
  5. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Definitely get a qualified repair/collision shop. I would check google and yelp (and friends and family) for reviews and recommendations. Read your auto insurance information over. A vehicle that old may be repaired with "like OEM parts and quality" unless your insurance specifically says OE Toyota parts (which usually means your insurance is more expensive since OE parts are pricey). Luckily, only Toyota supplies the HV battery (there's no aftermarket one yet). If the bumper is wrapped around the rear wheels, there's a possibility that the HV battery may be damaged but I'm purely speculating (esp. since we don't have photos are can't poke around the car ourselves).

    I would just pay close attention to the parts that are repaired - make sure the panels are fitted correctly, that everything is screwed on straight (we had a rear hatch latch that was clumsily installed), all the lights work and ensure that the hybrid system operates as you remembered. Ask about the HV battery and whether it was touched. You may want to schedule an appt with a Toyota dealer post repair to have a hybrid technician look at the car. It may cost you out of pocket but at least you'll get peace of mind.

    Glad you hear you and your son are ok.
    llyons likes this.
  6. llyons

    llyons Junior Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    2013 Prius
    Thanks to all of you feeling much more prepared. When the accident occurred the insurance suggested one place and with all the commotion, I thought it was only to have it stored as they insinuated it was simply to avoid incurring charges at the place the wrecker had been pulled to. When I got out of the hospital it turns out it was still at the wrecker so I insisted it be taken to Toyota and for a day or so they claimed they could not track down my car until finally it was where the insurance had stated and that would be where it would be appraised as well....This was when everything started to feel uncomfortable. I said I told them I did not want it there and wanted it at Toyota. At that point they claimed the adjuster was going to take just another 1/2 hour. A day later.....They tell me they just got the car. Grrrrrrrrr...Again when I said I wanted it moved. They said the adjuster was just wrapping up. So instead of going back and forth, i'm going to take your suggestion and have someone take a look at the Toyota dealership itself once they are done. If at all possible, I'm wondering if I could have a Toyota inspector go there himself (it's about 5 minutes away) but, I don't know if that permitted or if that is something they would even do. But, thank you Tideland, if I can't do anything sooner. I'll def have Toyota look at it after for the piece of mind. They have yet to come back with any numbers and now it's been close to a week and a half.
  7. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    You can have the car repaired at any licensed shop of your choice. Have it towed to the Toyota Certified Collision Center for repair. That should be the end of the problem and you may be able to rent a Prius through the dealer. Document any lost wages and submit a claim to the at fault insurance company.

    There's a choice between getting the work done fast, cheap or right. I don't care how long it takes, I just want it done right. Since I'm not at fault I don't care about the cost. Sit back and relax it'll be in the shop at least a week (my guess closer to two) unless it is totaled.
    llyons likes this.
  8. llyons

    llyons Junior Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    2013 Prius
    Thank you also for your advice. It’s kind of confusing when so much is going on and nobody seems to be on your side. That’s some of the best advice I’ve gotten worrying about it literally makes my muscles tighten up and that’s the last thing I need. I agree on not caring how long it takes. I just want it done right and I really feel the most comfortable at Toyota.

    You mentioned the possibility of it being totaled. Do you know what would need to be messed up, how much to fix, or what ruberic is used in that? I’m not so sure that would be in my favor financially. However, I want to feel confident everything is safe. Maybe it is all on my head and I’m being paranoid but can’t imagine a lot didn’t get rattled up that’s beyond sight. However, I know very little about cars. Just that I love my Prius and other Toyota owners like you all. I couldn’t thank you enough.
  9. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    it is simply the cost to repair vs the value of the car.if it cost to much, they total it, and give you a check for the value if the repair was completed, or before the accident. sometimes it works in your favor, and sometimes works against you. along with that, the extra value in a total is that you don't have to deal with the possible negative effects of major repairs, and also the devalued resale because it has been in an accident.
    llyons and Grit like this.
  10. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    Different states (and insurers) have different criteria on when a car is not worth repairing. Without a location one isn't going to get specific information. Here's a list:

    Total-loss thresholds by state |

    It is going to take less damage to total an 8 year old car with 100,000 miles on it. Possible damage that comes to mind: Rear suspension, frame, hatch, roof(?), solar panels(?), gas tank(?), rear bumper, rear bumper cover, 12v battery, two rear quarter panels, and painting most of the car.

    The shop won't know until they start tearing the car apart.

    Start shopping for a 2010 IV-Solar with your mileage now and document the asking prices you find. The most the insurance company will pay is what they believe is the market value (plus sales tax). You won't know if the settlement offer is fair without the research.

    Some insurance companies are better to work with than others. Sometimes it is better to go through your insurance. Sometimes it is easier to go through the other's policy. When I was sideswiped both parties had the same insurance company. I filed the claim under the other driver's policy so I would get full reimbursement for the rental car and the protective film. If I filed the claim under my policy then I would have had to file a claim for the balance of the film and rental that my policy wouldn't cover.

    When you talk to the shop make sure they will accept the amount from the insurance company as payment in full. Your bill may be based on a retail rate but the shop will accept the insurance company's volume discount amount.

    It is a tough situation and you have to deal with it when you aren't at your best. We'll help the best we can.
    llyons likes this.
  11. bobzchemist

    bobzchemist Active Member

    Aug 2, 2016
    Kennesaw, Georgia, USA
    2010 Prius
    Generally speaking, if you can get enough money to buy a similar car in your area that hasn't been in an accident, that would be your best option.

    It will always be worth more than your repaired car, even if it was perfectly restored from the accident. (especially now that it's become virtually impossible to conceal accidents from carfax.)
    llyons likes this.
  12. llyons

    llyons Junior Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    2013 Prius
    Wow - You all have given me more advice than an attorney's office we were referred to.
    I really feel uneasy about everything and on top of the pain I just feel like there is no resolution.

    Yesterday, I was told that my insurance stated my car was a total loss and are offering 12k....I've heard from a couple people that seems high. Which, is all well and good. But, I still owe 9k on a totaled vehicle which has me fighting back tears. When I asked why this wasn't being put under the other person's insurance, the secretary's answer was that she did not have the police report at the time. That drives me mad and doesn't seem right. I know my head is filled with ???? They asked if I had GAP insurance (which unfortunately I do not have). She said the other person's insurance adjuster was going to look at it also but didn't anticipate it would be any better. Also, seemed to be rushed I take what my insurance is offering. Does anyone have experience with this? Should I wait for the other insurance to look at and go through my own insurance? It sounds wrong to me since I'm not at fault, not even on the report. I was just at a stoplight and used as his break. :(

    Any other suggestions? We're all on our own. Family are the ones I meet online as I work from home too so the advice I get from you guys is what I trust more (especially when others seem biased or are giving me mucky answers).

    So, if I'm understanding correctly...Because a 21 year old that was probably texting, hit me and my son full force, totaling my vehicle at a stoplight, I either have to get a car that costs 12k tops or wait without car to see if maybe I get a little bit extra for medical which isn't even a sure thing and could take several months? I really researched the heck out of this car and LOVED it, took care of it but, at this financial juncture...I can't pay more. I know life isn't fair. But....From your collective experiences - is this it? Is this all I can do...options? You can tell me "suck-it up buttercup" too, if this truly is it. :(

    As always, thanks for listening and your advice.
    #12 llyons, Oct 11, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2017
    bisco likes this.
  13. llyons

    llyons Junior Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    2013 Prius
    My apologies Bob - I hadn't noticed that my profile was out of date! The previous information was from the prius I had before this one. I just updated it. This was my 3rd prius. Blizzard Pearl with the gray leather-like interior and front seat warmers. mmmmmm how I miss those!
    #13 llyons, Oct 11, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2017
  14. bobzchemist

    bobzchemist Active Member

    Aug 2, 2016
    Kennesaw, Georgia, USA
    2010 Prius
    OK, I have some experience with this, for a variety of reasons. The first rule is NEVER RUSH. If someone is trying to push you into making a fast decision, it's almost always going to be the wrong decision for you. If your lawyer is pushing, you might want to look into a different lawyer - it sounds like he's trying to just make a quick buck without doing much for you.

    Now some notes on your situation:
    First, the insurance companies are (theoretically) required to make you "whole", that is, put you back in exactly the same situation as you were in before the accident.

    That's not just the car, but also your health, your sons health, and any expenses either of you incur because of the accident. As far as medical is concerned, trauma from the accident can take a few days or weeks to show up. Make sure you both get checked out medically, especially for things like back/neck/shoulder pain from whiplash, etc. but also consider whether or not you're having neurological symptoms. Now is not the time to be macho and work through the pain - document everything you can, no matter how minor.

    The settlement you reach for your car should be enough to buy you the same make and model car, in your local area, with the same options, the same mileage, and in the same condition as yours. (Your loan amount should not be affected by this one way or the other). If you have records and can show your car was maintained better than average, you might be able to get a bit more by saying your car was in exceptionally good condition. This is why I keep saying to research local prices - presenting the insurance company with a list of local cars for sale that are as close as possible to yours but that cost more money to buy may get them to up their offer.

    You might need to play one insurance company off of the other. Also, if the other driver was clearly negligent, you might possibly have other grounds for suing him - that option really needs a lawyer, though.
    llyons likes this.
  15. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    If you are going through the at fault driver's policy they are paying you for your loss directly. If you go through your insurance they will pay you and then bill the other company. Neither company is going to pay more than the market value of the car. If you can buy a comparable car for $12000 then that is all you can expect. The original selling price doesn't matter. The loan balance doesn't matter.

    Gap insurance pays the difference between the loan value and the value of the car when the loan value is higher.

    Since you don't have clear title you'll have to coordinate with the originator of the loan. Expect the check to be made payable to you AND the bank.

    The personal injury claim is separate. Since I have no idea what kind of coverage you have or where you are the only advice I can give on this is to follow the guidelines of your policy.

    Keep us posted.
    bobzchemist likes this.
  16. llyons

    llyons Junior Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    2013 Prius
    I've looked at some prices and they are coming out between 18-22. But, I also just realized I had a typo up there 19k owed. UGH We are so underwater. But, I hope you are right and I'm trying to stay positive and defiantly taking into consideration looking for different representation. I feel like what has been done so far is nothing that I couldn't have done myself. Have requested an appt with the attorney and if nothing comes by EOD, I'm def going elsewhere.

    As for our insurance. It's through USAA, and we've never run into issues with them. Have a low deductible. Basic full coverage you could say. Will keep you all posted. Thank you for your comments, suggestions, and advice. I'm truly taking a bit of it all and hoping it will help. It's just hard to not feel helpless agains these companies.
  17. bobzchemist

    bobzchemist Active Member

    Aug 2, 2016
    Kennesaw, Georgia, USA
    2010 Prius
    Aha - now I understand your frustration a little better.

    Your insurance company only owes you, at most, the current market value of your car as it was just before the accident. The question of whether or not you can go after the other guys insurance company for the difference between your insurance company's settlement and the amount you actually owe on the car, especially if you're underwater with it, needs to be answered by your lawyer.

    This is why it may be necessary to claim every possible medical issue related to the accident. The medical compensation may make the difference between driving a nice car and driving a clunker...
    llyons likes this.
  18. llyons

    llyons Junior Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    2013 Prius
    Hi Bob! You nailed it. It’s certainly too bad it seems that the way to gain experience on these issues is to gain them first hand. We did end up speaking with the attorney who eexplainee the situation better. According to him, taking the offer my adjuster made and having the other party reimburse will be best in my situation.

    As for medical, we are noting the expenses. It really is crazy though. The minute a muscle relaxant seems to be working the length of time it works decreases. Another great life lesson learned!

    Today I was in getting X-rays- it turns out the CT scan at the hospital was on my brain not my spine. My son got the same. He is just achy and consistently stretching but I think all in all he’s all good. Me - muscle spasms which have been exhausting.

    On the bright side, it seems like Toyota financial is going to work with us and sounded pretty positive on what will come going forward once they get the payout from the insurance. So, crossing fingers there.

    Emptied out the car today on the lot too after I got out from the doctors. It made me so sad to see my baby that way. But spasms and aches we are here and that’s what matters most. This tough thing protected is both well and crumpled (can see from bottom sides but hard to bend), where it needed too for us both to be safe. I don’t think I’ll ever get anything other than a Toyota.
    #18 llyons, Oct 16, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2017
  19. llyons

    llyons Junior Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    2013 Prius
    7C8427D6-82DE-4589-84D0-D5B4473A4DE5.jpeg 0E1586B9-3326-404C-8181-1C7029451F2C.jpeg
    The police report shows he said he was going approx 55.

    Attached Files:

  20. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    I'm glad you and your son are recovering, and sorry about the damage to the car. Is the insurance company going to take possession of the car? I'd be interested in the right-side rear bumper crush box ... I've been wanting for a while to get a sample of how they crush, and that one looks well and truly crushed ....
