This is a separate sorta' questions I think I have an inverter coolant pump failure second one-first happened at 55000 miles-now at 111,000 miles Three signals RED TRIANGLE CHECK ENGINE AND CAR WITH EXCLAMATION POINT Car still runs fine-made it home I read that if you hit START twice-no brake then a functional pump should be ON and it should vibrate enough to vibrate the RESERVOIR HOSE-and reaching down-should be able to feel it vibrate I have NO vibration and with ICE on-still no pump or reservoir hose vibration Is this correct-the pump is on as soon as vehicle ignition is on or as soon as ICE on? No turbulence in reservoir also Thanks Charlie ps great forum-I always head here for Prius problems-just in 11 years counting this one traction battery failure and 1st coolant pump fail
Patrick-thanks again-pretty sure you helped me before- I did the double push on start-no brake pedal No vibration on hose or on actual pump The plastic shroud lifts up easily-since half the clips weren't reinstalled after perhaps the first pump was replaced Yeah dead silent no vibrations dead as a doornail Thanks again-debating DIY or dealer DIY with bought at dealer pump-maybe $180 Dealer probably $700-and fighting off their attempts to sell me something else but they will do it "better" and I won't be near any 25000 watt wires Thanks Charlie
Charlie to DIY or let the dealership replace the pump is entirely up to you. Patrick has a great How-To on PC if you decide to go that direction.
M in KC Patrick W- Thanks-yes it was the inverter-and yep Patricks info is always spot on I went with the dealer-$440 total-not bad at all Originally they-Lakeside Toyota- quoted $560+ Tax-$610 but it was $440 Total My 31 yo son needed it for a date he has Thursday-and I would have bought the pump online for $110 or so-and it wouldn't have arrived until Thursday- And Murphy's Law-always fully in effect the 1st time I do a repair replace much less now that I'm older-66-and weaker and more careful-but learning curve and Murphy- always a consideration and I wanted my son to cough up the $$-motivate him to be more aware of $$ maintenance etc- not rely on dad- but mostly Murphy and Learning curve and time considerations If the difference had been $600 vs $300 I would have DIY but just $300 -let pros do it-had good luck with Lakeside Toyota Causeway Blvd Metairie( give credit to good dealers-to OK repairs-and a clutch replacement 1986 Toyota truck in 1994) also so 3 good repairs-no problems-fair price It was the Inverter coolant pump-AGAIN-1st failed at 60,000 miles 51,000 miles and 6 years ago I debated DIY vs Dealer I had Lakeside Toyota do it-$440 all total $250 labor $127 pump-$20 coolant-$40 tax VS getting it from Amazon-$110 and 3 days to arrive With Murphy's Law fully in effect-meaning some chance 1)I would break something doing the repair-1st time doing repair-fair chance it would go wrong 2) some chance it would be thw WRONG REPAIR-no vibration and no turbulence in reservoir-so small chance 3) tiny chance one of the fasteners would break-or be too difficult to remove 'All in All I decided to pay another $320 to have Lakeside do it-same day brought in Lakeside did the Traction battery replacement-under warranty-no BS extras and true to form-not much pressure to get other repairs(some but low key-no it will break and kill you stuff) Thanks again-great source of great info Charlie