These are damaged from rock chips from normal highway driving. I had my prime for 4 months and have driven for 5500 miles. I have a designated parking spot at work and home so this is not from others bumping or backing into my prime. This cheap sleazy plastic appliqué is so thin and fragile and significantly increases the likelihood of damage even from dirts on the roads. Be careful out there!
Yeah mine has a few chips/cracks too. I believe its made of acrylic. It would be more expensive, but probably help if Toyota made it from polycarbonate in the future.
True. Today's bumpers are more like Insurance Deductible Reachers...that is the slightest damage is likely to reach your deductible. They are designed to absorb force in an impact...but they aren't designed to survive that impact.
If I had to bet, I'd bet that they are designed that way specifically to "encourage" (require?) the use of paint protection films.
They are "bumper covers" not bumpers. The bumper is underneath the cover. -Any- plastic of -any- kind will suffer damage from rocks on the front of a car. -Any- painted surface will also suffer damage. It's a fact of life. Live with it. Even the 3M film can be damaged (mine has a hole in it from a larger rock, which also dented the aluminum hood). Your car is not and could not be designed to last forever. It will suffer minor damage from use, which will eventually end its' life as the damage builds. Nothing stays new forever.
So tonight on my way home a stone kicked up from a vehicle in front of me and literally put a hole in the acrylic. Its probably 5/16" diameter. To make it get even more attention, it cracked in a few places which just leads your eyes to the hole. I'll get some pics or maybe post a video about it tomorrow.
Hah: Jeep Wrangler didn't get the memo. I'm just waiting on the day they hybridize that rolling garden shed, lol.
I do not expect a car or anything to last forever! All I am saying is the sleazy acrylic piece whatever you call is a piece of crap. That is a fact whether you live with it or not.
You speak the truth. But I'm remembering the 50's. 60's. and 70's when automobiles had bumpers that took entire mountain sides of metal to produce. You could encounter some significant damage producing impacts with those old bumpers....pop the dents out...and the car was unharmed. What we call "bumpers" today? Aren't really even designed to withstand a "bump". Yeah the cars are safer. It's better. But it's a difference.
I'm thinking of those Lexus front "grills"..., like driving around with your teeth hanging out. Versus, say Jeep Wrangler:
I see the Jeep fixation continues . While you don't appreciate the Lexus front grill, it grows on you after awhile. There are some more refined grills other than the F Sport grill you linked above: But then again, I look at it daily, so that might be why.
As mentioned, here is the crack in my front bumper. Really wish Toyota would address this in the future.
The bumper cover isn't weak enough for a stone to do that at any speed you can travel at. That's a pellet gun or 22 cal. bullet hole. Or you drove up against a "pointy" object.
I can assure you that I didn't shoot my car or drive up against a pointy object. I do a lot of highway driving though, so I'm quite certain it was from a rock or debris that kicked up from a vehicle. The other day on the interstate I recall hearing a rock hit what I thought was my windshield. It was pretty loud and I feared that I would have to replace my windshield. When time went on and no cracks formed, I figured I was lucky, but now I'm thinking that it must have been my bumper that got hit.
Thank you for sharing the youtube video. It appears to be worse than mine. As OP, that is exactly what I experienced as well. Thought it was the windshield but when I pulled over it was the damage shown in my first photo. Good to see someone from NH I was there about 25 years ago near Keene.