I want to park my Prius C (push start) in neutral gear and also want to lock it. Reason for doing this to freely move the car forward and backwards in the parking lot. Whenever I take it to neutral and get out of the car it starts beeping and wont lock after pressing the off button on the remote. Is there any way I can park it neutral? one way that I found is to use the shift lock button and release the gear manually and take it to neutral, but don't know doing this is good for the vehicle and its batteries. I searched the manual but found nothing. Does anyone know how I can do this????
Roll the driver window down. Put in neutral. Get out, lock the door by pressing the button on the inner door panel. Reach over and turn the car off. Press the window auto up button and quickly remove your arm. *Note: Make sure you have the spare key with you... this will let the car lock the keys inside. **Note: Remove your arm quickly. You can pinch your arm. This is your warning from me, I am not liable.
This was discussed a few years ago for a delivery driver. The way I suggested was the only way we could find to do it. Yours adds another level of complexity since you want the car to be turned off.
wah, park in neutral so you can freely move your car around (???physically??? back and forth), lol...I just don't get it gas is cheap as it is and you have a prius c...what's so bad about parking in P (like any safe individual) and just turning the car on and moving it and you don't have to worry about having the car roll away (or being rolled away, lol)
i was just about to ask that. ^^^ and i am also curious why you would want to push a locked car around a parking lot, sounds like an accident waiting to happen.
Due to heavy load in Parking lot inside the builing it is required to move vechicles back and forth. Its sound strange... but you cant do much in such type of circumstances.
how do you put a gasser in neutral and lock the doors? don't you have to leave the key in the ignition?
Hondas provide a way to defeat the Park-when-off. I found it handy if I wanted to roll the car out into the driveway to wash it. Basically push the car key (or a screw driver) through a slot in the shifter housing, depressing a lever, and then you're free to shift to Neutral, even though the engine's off. (The left side pic is showing how to break out the tab covering the slot, first time round. Doesn't work, btw, but that's another story.)
Are you saying that you want OTHER people to be able to move it around......without having the key ? and without having the parking brake set ?? If so, that is a disaster just waiting to happen. If it is YOU doing the moving......you need to find something actually important to worry about. Really.
I didn't notice you are in Pakistan, here is the states that would be a disaster looking for a place to happen: like your car would be pushed onto a trailer and be gone.