Hello I have found a 2004 Prius for sell. The owner says he took it to a garage and it has the shielded wiring chewed and won't go in drive or reverse. Where is the sheilded wiring? Is it inside the cabin or under the hood? I'm thinking about buying it. I have a 2005 now. Help
I would not buy that car in fact I would run....they have only discovered the tip of the iceberg. Your probably thinking you can snag it cheap and with a little work be ok but the prius is the absolutely worst car to own if it has electronic gremlins. Even all these years later most dealers from the story's I hear here are still not experts in troubleshooting and rely on shot gunning parts to figure out which one is bad etc... My point is you will have very few resources to ride in and help except maybe the dealer at a $140 an hour fishing expedition.
It may be worth checking the orange safety plug on the hybrid battery to make sure that it's latched properly. When inserted, you fold the handle up 90 degrees and then push straight down to close a safety switch. If it's not pushed down, you're not going anywhere either. I'd also ask where the mechanic found the wiring chewed.
What do you mean by "shielded" wiring? Your definition of that word, would help in the diagnosis. Dxta
offer $100 for the car, its 14 years old and will be a money pit no matter how much you have to do to get it moving again... odds are you will need to replace the entire harness to make it right
Not if you can find and fix the problem. Depends on how bad you want to find it! I could do a lot of looking for $7000!