Hi guys, I bought a used 2012 Prius V yesterday for going back and forth to work. First prius although I already have a 2012 Camry Hybrid. It only came with single key fob transmitter and I need a second one for my wife. What do I need to know here? Obviously the dealer is going to be the most expensive option, but I've been burned before by aftermarket crap on Ebay. What's your advice on the cheapest way to get a second transmitter (and backup key) made? Also, just out of curiosity...the original keyfob didn't come with a rear hatch button, but if I get one that has that button, will it just automatically work? Thanks in advance for your advice
as far as I know those are your two options, dealer for a new one e bay or junk yard for a used one that might not work
Some locksmiths have the necessary equipment to program your car's computer to a new key. Call around. The hatch will unlock with all the doors, which requires a double push on the unlock button. A single push just unlocks the drivers door. There is an easy keyfob based procedure to make one push unlock all doors and the hatch. That change will also unlock everything with a touch of the drivers door. Let me try to find it.
Press the Lock and Unlock Buttons, at the same time, on your remote for 5 seconds. It will go to all doors unlocking or will toggle back to just the drivers. Thats it.
Occasionally an independent mechanic specializing in Toyotas will have the necessary equipment. In Berkeley, CA for example, there is Art's Automotive, and they charge a bit less than a dealer would. They also know more. A lot more. Worth finding the leading Prius specialist in your area among independent mechanics. If they are anything like Art's, will know a lot more than dealers and sometimes have creative ways to do things less expensively than a dealer would.
Wound up buying one off Ebay and then having the dealer program it. The actual emergency "key" that is inside the transmitter came with the one I bought on Ebay - however, the dealer said it was junk and charged me $10 extra to cut a new one they had. As far as finding a local locksmith to program the thing - yeah...good luck with that. I called 8 different locksmiths in a 25 mile radius and none of them wanted to touch it. Waste of time...if you find one...just take it to the dealer.