So this is my second prius... a 2017 Prius and I love it. Getting great gas mileage.... 52.4 is my average. In my first Prius (2013), I caught 14 mice using mousetraps in the first year. I have owned 20+ cars in my life and have never dealt with mice issues. The dealership acted like I was the only one having this issue. The wife's Chevy Cruze NEVER gets mice! So when I went to buy again, my salesman, the service department...everyone there told me the new Prius's do not have mice problems. So here is what happened to me today... It starts out at noon...The wife and I eat at Arby's and we dine-in. After the counter person gives me a cup, I proceed to the self serve station and fill it with sweet tea. We eat. After eating, we go to work for a bit...about 4 hours. I left the iced tea in the Prius - no lid on it. After we are done there, I head home....on the way home I a guzzling down my now warm tea. I get about half way through it and notice something floating at or near the bottom. But I thought it may have been a lemon....wait a minute, I never put a lemon in it and this looks dark....I try and scoop it out with two fingers....but when I notice its got legs, I dropped it back into the cup and spit everything in my mouth out all over the dash. I pulled over and began dry heaving...trying to puke. I just ingested dead mouse feces, mouse urine and mouse juices. It had apparently been traveling with me today and jumped into the tea and drowned while I was at work. I am so pissed and so sick that I messaged my salesman. "I thought this Prius would not have a mouse problem?" He's making me an appointment with service on Monday. I am sick to my stomach. It's 5:42 pm now - If I get Hantavirus, I am going to be really pissed off!!!
If you’re anything like my cat you’ll puke it up on the carpet later. Seriously though, that is foul!
Toyota uses a more "enviro friendly" organic compound in their wiring that mice seem to really, really like and can be very costly once the rodents start chewing on it (wear and tear=not covered by warranty). It's an issue especially in cooler climates. GOOD LUCK!
Great story! Hope you don't get sick. I'd be pissed since I'm a germaphobe, but I think everyone would be grossed out! Don't leave food in the car
OMG! …that has to be about the most disgusting first post ever! Congratulations and welcome to PriusChat! My two cell-mates have great fun with the small furry critters which come in from outside, particularly as we move into the colder seasons. I keep the meecies out of my garage by leaving a few strategically placed moth-balls laying around, but in my apartment it is part of the duty of the two kitties to keep the place clear of invaders. Back in the spring, LittleBoy (a.k.a. Mr. Abel) woke me up by presenting me with what I thought to be a toy mouse at 3 a.m. and the bloody thing started running around! LB is the old man of the Dynamic Duo, and his younger side-kick, FatMan (a.k.a. Mr. Hopalong) is still pretty fast despite weighing 20+ lbs As the cooler seasons arrive, the small furry critters tend to come into the warmth, but my two cell-mates tend to deal with them in pretty short order, although they tend to leave heads and other bits & pieces around which is not the most pleasant thing to discover in the dark at 2 a.m. with bare-feet! Welcome again, but beware! PriuChat is addictive!!!
omg, that will be tough story to top- and I'm not sure I want to hear the one that does top it. Note to self, keep a lid on my drinks in the car.
Rules when riding in TheChuggyPig (Wil's 2009 Prius Gen II) 1) No drinks containing sugar or milk 2) see rule #1
Wow, that’s disgusting. I just read a news on a kitten trapped under the hood of Tacoma travelled over 100 miles to be discovered by a service tech, but I had no idea Prius can be such a mouse trap.
welcome, and i hope you are okay, that is disgusting. have you called your doc? i haven't had a mouse problem in 13 years of owning prius. but plenty get in the house, so i called an exterminator, and he placed poison in the garage and basement. now i'm really worried about the car.
I thought about going to the emergency room but I have my wife on standby making sure that I don't start puking my brains out.
…I'm no physician, but I bet that a couple of mouse turds and some mousie juice won't do you too much harm, and you would have felt the ill-effects of any poison by now! Some of the juices in the human gut are pretty powerful, and I remember a doctor friend telling my old Mum when she sniffed at some mold she spotted on a slice of bread, that she was likely to suffer more damage to her lungs by sniffing at the mold than she ever was likely to to to her digestion by eating the bread, knowing the strength of the acid in her stomach!
If you wire a ~ 1 kW inverter into your Prius, you can carry a small microwave oven or induction cooktop, and properly cook your next mouse before ingesting it. -Chap
I just read that Honda dealers have some mouse-repellent tape that they can wrap wiring in; it has capsicin and the mice apparently don't like it. I'm not sure of the cost, but I assume there's something similar available for Toyotas, or a generic version.
I think the Honda rodent tape will work on Toyotas. (I don't think the tape even has Honda logos on it, just little mice.) I don't know about wrapping your sweet tea with it, unless you like your tea with a kick. -Chap
Ah a nice cup of tea, (sigh)! Will that be camomile or camomice, madame? I think we'll forget about the latter, as the camomile is very, very soothing!