OK so here's the deal. The front passenger window motor seems to be making a strange sound when going up. It is very quiet and normal when putting the window down, but it makes a hard-to-describe noise when putting the window up. Is the motor going bad? What's the best way to troubleshoot this problem? I'm thinking take the door panel off and put the window up/down, and use my mechanic stethoscope to be sure the noise is coming from the motor. Any ideas? This doesn't seem like a common problem.
Lubricating the window track seems like a good idea, the motor may be binding from the extra effort its doing when going up. I looked for the recommended grease/ spray for the track but couldn't find it. Edit, I happened to have some work done at the local Toyota dealership, I was told they use silicone spray, I would personal go with the best synthetic lubricant spray available.
Bump I have an identical issue as well. I will research on how to spray the widow tracks. I'd like to make sure it's not the window motor. The vehicle Warranty is valid for another month. Who else has had this issue before and what did you do to resolve it? Thanks
There usually is a water-proof sheet glued to the panel. In the past I've had difficulty re-installing that plastic on other cars. Have you had any experience removing the panel, any advice please? Thank you
i haven't done it, but lots of folk here have, and i don't recall any problems. try searching for threads using key words like door lock, window motor and etc.