Throughout the day, my 2010 Prius III makes three consecutive beeping sounds (the same beeping alert sound when you lock the car) sporadically throughout the day when my car is turned off. The battery in my key fob is new and both batteries in my car are fine. Any ideas what the 3 beeping sounds are about? Thanks!
welcome! someone is gonna kill me for this, but i would test the 12v. around here, we don't accept the term 'fine' without documentation. also, make sure your doors all shut properly, including the hatch.
3 beeps are generally the indication that you've forgotten something. Like leaving the windows open or the car on and walking away with the key fob.
Thanks for the tip. I'll take a closer look. The doors and hatch are all shut properly, but I still get those beeping strange.
Yeah, that's what I figured, but I ensure that my windows, doors and everything are properly shut and turned off. I don't get it... I guess I'll have to take it in to get it serviced. Thanks!