In the rearview/backup cams that I have seen , the display has colored lines on it indicating, I believe, safe zones. However my 2015 Prius Two rear view/backup cam does not have these lines. Is it defective? I got this car just last week and still have some months left on the Toyota warranty so I can get them to fix it. thanks Ram
No it is not defective. The Prius backup cams (at least Gen I through Gen III) do not have the guidelines that some backup cams have. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
As a matter of fact, Prius cars in Europe do have the guide lines on the backup camera. I have a place in Norway and rent a Prius when there. And they have the lines on back up camera. There might be something in the software I have been told. But my Toyota dealer wouldn't even discuss it. I also like the power folding mirrors with turn signals that are on European Prius'.
Actually, I don't believe it is the software. I was told it had to do with the camera itself. Either way it's still nice to be able to see behind you. SCH-I545 using PriusChat mobile app
Agreed its nice to be able to see behind but I am still annoyed that there are no guidelines. Objects in the rear view cam are actually much closer than they appear to be and the guidelines would really help. My 2014 Avalon's back-up camera has them. Also, I was recently in australia and the Prius taxi I was in had also the sideview and blind-spot camera that was very useful for safety. Is there a way to upgrade my 2015 Prius to these?
Check with (I believe) JDM. They might have them. Keep and eye on the Prius Chat section about customizing your Prius.