Hi everyone, dumb question ahead... Yesterday I got my yaris hsd serviced at a toyota dealership, they told me that my rear brake pads should be replaced, they were worn out and they should only be good to use for another 10k km. In a car with just 90k km is this normal, specially with the rear pads and not the front ones? Tks in advance and sorry about my poor english.
Is this a regular Yaris, not hybrid with regen braking? And it's rear disk brakes, not drum brakes. If so, sounds like a good run. Maybe you can look through the rim openings to confirm remaining thickness? If hard to see you could remove wheel for better view. Min pad thickness is probably 1 mm, and anything 2~3 mm or less i would not delay.
It's a hybrid yaris, here in Europe we don't have the prius c, instead we have the yaris hybrid which is the one I have. It had regenerative braking as any other hsd toyota had. I think that in a hybrid with such low mileage *cof* kilometrage the pads shouldn't be so worn. Tks
Yeah take a look at them. If inner and outer pads are worn about the same, and the disk looks ok, and there's 3mm or less remaining, it is what it is.
If they're down to 2~3 mm already that seems a little fast. Just taking it one step at a time, I would verify what the remaining thickness is, and if it's uniform, outer and inner pads about the same, and the rotor (disk) looks normal. It could be botched previous service if the rear disks are the same as regular 3rd gen Prius. It has integrated parking brakes, and after brake service it is very possible to put it back together in such a way that the pads are applied unevenly, and drag badly. I know because I managed to screw mine up, lol. Had to replace the pads prematurely. If and when you raise a rear corner, and ensure you have diagonally opposite front wheel securely chocked, release the parking brake and try spinning the raised wheel. It should spin a revolution or two no problem. There is slight drag inherent in disk brakes, but it should be only slight. For comparison, I'm around 70K kms, and my fronts where at 7mm remaining last spring (new is 10.5 IIRC). So say 3mm drop every 70K, they will last at least 150K kms.
it's a little unusual. around here, early rear pad wear is usually due to road salt and lack of maintenance, especially lubing the slide pins. in portugal, i don't know, maybe high humidity?
What part of Portugal are you located in? I have visited the Douro River region and it was rather hilly. If traversing a hilly landscape, I wouldn't be surprised if your pads are wearing faster than most. Our 2010 Prius II with 163 k miles has a lot of pad life left . When I pulled the pads and lubed the components there was at least 7 mm left. Good luck and keep us posted .
I precisely live in the Porto region =p but the car made almost of its mileage on the highway, about 70% highway 30% city. I'm going to check how much pad material is left and measure it. If I want to replace them, it's a job like any other 'normal' car or it's different? Tks
A little different. It's safest to disconnect 12 volt negative cable before starting, and before reconnecting only when complete, and after pushing brake pedal multiple times to take up excess pedal travel. Excess pedal travel may trigger warnings and/or codes, and the car has a nasty habit of pressurizing when drivers door opens, could pop out a piston of caliper is off. Also, rear brakes have extra considerations, assuming sim to reg 3rd gen Prius: You need to screw in the piston to accommodate new pads. Also, you need to ensure the cross pattern on face of piston ends up in an "X" orientation, the spokes need to straddle the pin on back of inner pad. And be firmly seated, so it can't slip.
I had a dealership try to tell me that I needed my rear brake shoes replaced at 60k miles but that my fronts were fine. I looked and I couldn't even tell that the shoes had been used... I never went back to that dealership.
They look perfectly fine. If you look through the opening on the caliper "shoulder" you can check edge-on the inner pad, verify it's thickness too. The disk condition is perfect. Both sides of the car similar? Maybe you need to try a different dealership, if that's practical. Show them that picture?
I would take the wheel off and check the pads your self. Don't let the stealerships sucker you as they are notorious for upselling to make a profit. The service departments at all Dealerships is on paid commission.