When 'anthropomorphic global warming' collides with 'nuclear winter', what will be the end result? Though we'll be baked either way.
But at what cost!! (Reagan said it that way too.) Carter knew what it was too, that being his job in the Navy.... Grrrrrrrrr
Then how come this is not happening in Europe? Fuel costs and fuel taxes are very high there, yet they are not doing what you suggest in your utopian vision of society. They are driving primarily crappy micro cars that run on gasoline only. Lots of Smart cars that don’t particularly get great gas mileage and lots of diesels that pollute more than gasoline powered ones. Very few BEVs, hybrids, and alternate fueled vehicles. Germany gives up nuclear power and tries to go renewable but can’t and turns to of all things, coal!
In regions with the most coal power generation, a plug in is still cleaner than the typical gas car being bought today. Most of Europe favored diesels through lower taxes for decades. Then import taxes can keep some cleaner car choices expensive. Most of Europe also has decent public transport. Less people own cars than in the US, and those that do have one drive fewer miles; around 8000 to 9000 miles a year. So their high fuel prices are reducing the amount of fuel they burn.
I was in Italy (Rome, Florence) and Greece (Athens) and there was a LOT of traffic on the roads. I can say that the New York City metro area has a better public transportation system than anything I saw there. Gasoline powered motor scooters were all over the place. How much do they pollute? Yeah, they don’t burn much fuel but they have minimal emissions controls and I don’t think they are that fuel efficient for their weight and engine size. Not that many folks on bicycles there either. Of course I only went to two countries, but I think what is said about Europe in regards to transportation systems seems overblown, and I don’t think they are particularly green either.
There are 5 European countries ahead of us (and several very close) in terms of EV adoption rate, several of which are WAY ahead of us. IMO that's pretty good considering EV's are still somewhat nascent and started in the US. (yes I realize there were EV's before Tesla, but nothing that really mattered) Also, my time in Germany, France, and Switzerland was the opposite experience. Tons of electric trains and TONS of bikes. And you very rarely see a big SUV or pickup truck.
NYC metro area is only 2-3% of the our population, and a far smaller fraction of our geography. I've used trains and public transit systems in both countries you mention, plus many more. They have been vastly superior to what is available in my state, and any neighboring state, and probably any state in the next ring beyond that. Possibly even any state not on the Atlantic coastline. So I must agree with those who see better systems in Europe. The new Light Rail is coming closer, enough so that I had my first experience with it on January 21st. It was wonderful. After a slow start the first several years, the opening of the new section to the University of Washington finally caused ridership to leap far ahead of projections. But the system won't reach my neighborhood until well into the next decade, at best. And the expected backtracking on promised federal funding additions will push it back, to after I leave this core metro area.
Perhaps because there is such a word? What’s cool is that “Nu-Cu-Ler” is actually a word! A “nucule” is the meat in the center of a pit-having fruit, such as a peach, apricot or almond. An almond-bar, for example, can in fact, be described as “nucular” because it has to do with almonds, which are nucules! from [PSA][Language] Nuclear vs Nuculer, or “What is a nucule?” | The Fox and Her Pen
I just got my first bill for charging in my condo - one month of charging and driving on EV only. $3.40. These prices are killing me!
i like the way my wife's i phone does it. you start typing a word and get 3 options to pick from. if you don't choose one, and it thinks yours is wrong, it will replace it. but if you finish typing and want to keep it, you just hit the choice you typed and it doesn't correct it.