My 2014 Prius C has a line on the display that shows "EVA % miles". The % is anywhere from 0 to 100, and the miles are typically 0 to 3 or 4. I have no idea what all this means, and the owner's manual is totally unhelpful. Can anyone explain, please?
If I understand your question, it is telling you how many miles you drove with JUST EV, during this period of miles.
...and note that the EV miles would include both miles driven in "EV Mode" (where you push the "EV Mode" button to request the car to run without the engine) and also miles driven in normal mode where the car decides on its own that it's more efficient to run on just the battery and therefore turns the engine off. The latter is indicated by the "EV" icon being lit on the "Eco Score" display page.
I just went out to my '17 C and ran through all the screens that I could get to quickly and.............. I did not find ANY that had an item on it of EV(A). Exactly what screen are you looking at......and which display ?? I think the above answers probably are right though.
Well according to his profile, he has the fabled 2015 Prius C Five! So... that might be why none of us can see it.