can anybody tell me what code U0293 is it is the only code coming up on my 2004 Toyota prius still will not run
Steve, Have you performed or has anyone else performed any work on the car recently? Any chance a wire was left disconnected or not fully plugged in somewhere? I tried searching for any other posts you may have made, but all I get is errors.
disconnect the 12v negative for a minute. get a mini vci off amazon for thirty bucks, you need a compatible laptop though.
i have checked every wire every fuse every sensor on the car 10 times already the car should be running like a champ , i do believe the Computer stopped connecting to the Ignition i am looking for a Flah2 reprogramer now ,
Are you sure this is what you are looking for? sounds expensive: Flash Reprogrammer, For Reprogramming ECUs of All Makes and Models | CARDONE