Hi all. I'm new to posting on this forum but have been haunting it on and off whenever I needed help. But now, I need more specific information than I've been able to find. I've got a 2003 Prius. Over the summer I had intermittent "power" issues. The car just seemed sluggish occasionally when starting from a stop. The worst time I had the AC on, was stopped on a slight hill (top of exit ramp off freeway), and when the light changed, I could hardly get going until I turned the AC off. I purchased a MiniVCI cable and installed techstream. It didn't list any codes. I tried testing my HV battery using Art's Automotive Predictive Battery Failure method, and the battery seemed good. Today I was driving along and all of a sudden, a bundle of warning lights came on (exclamation point over the car was the one lit up), and the gas engine started "racing" it was louder than normal, and wanted to "push" the car a little more than normal. I pulled off into a parking lot, and after sitting there a couple minutes, turned the car off, and afterward it would not start again. I thought it was the HV battery, but now it's looking like that might not be the case. I plugged in the car to my computer, started up techstream, and got the following info: By the time I got this info, the 12v battery was dead enough that the MFD on the car was off and the clock was starting to dim (I had to charge my phone while waiting for the tow truck earlier in the day), so I'm not sure what affect that will have on getting codes. Any help you all can give me would be much appreciated as I'm hoping to have this fixed by the time I need to go to work day after tomorrow.
not absolutely sure... maybe about a year? Year and a half? At any rate, I doubt the 12v even were it dead as a door nail would have caused the problems I had while I was driving today. I probably had the car turned to ACC for about 1/2 hour today while I was charging my phone and searching craigslist for used Priuses, so the 12v wasn't that weak.
You need to look at the freeze frame data (click on the snowflake next the the fault code) and that screen should provide the P3125 subcodes in the bottom left area of the screen, if I remember right. When you have the subcode, you can look at this link. Could be something as simple as overheating, could be as bad as needing a new inverter, etc. If the inverter was not charging the 12v battery, well....... http://techno-fandom.org/~hobbit/cars/TIS/ileaf/02toyrm/02toypdf/02rmsour/2002/02priusr/di/hvcsy/cip3125.pdf
I did replace the inverter /converter and the inverter coolant pump with one from the junk yard about two years ago... At least I have practice if that turns out to be the problem!
Okay, I got the subcodes: 322, 324, 325, 331. All of them say to check for "open, short and +B short in wire harness between HV ECU GFIV and GIVG terminals and converter & inverter assembly G-FINV and G-GINV terminals. If there's a short, then replace the wiring harness, otherwise replace the inverter/converter. It says to "see page IN-41" unfortunately, I don't have such a page, and my google searches have not yielded anything more. Without someone to point out what those different terminals are on an actual car, it will be difficult for me to know what I'm doing. At this point, I'm about ready to head up to the junk yard and buy myself an inverter assembly regardless since I'm running out of time (bleeding the air out of the coolant on these things takes forever, and I need the car tomorrow if at all possible). I'm doubting that any damage has occurred to the wiring harness, so it's probably the inverter/converter anyway, am I right?
Information is available, for a fee, at https://techinfo.toyota.com/ The site is undergoing maintenance right now, but I think you can get two day access to the manuals for a low cost.