I encountered a strange thing today: Something in the car is whistling every ~30 seconds. When the key is in the switch - I can't see any unknown light, but when I power off the car - a red light ( a car with a key inside it) flickers... the whistling continue although the car is powered off... Any ideas? Thanks.
The flashing red car-key light (the immobilizer system indicator) is normal and has always been there, or should have been. The whistling, I have no clue.
Whistling? Explain more. Do you mean whistle as in a beep or buzzer or whistle as in wind blowing against something? What warning lights are actually on? What is the mileage of the car and what is its age. The more info you provide the more we can try to assist.
Usually these sorts of sounds turn out to come from some device left in the car, such as a cell phone. Tom
I also have this beeping when the car is parked and off. The beep is at approximately 30-second intervals. No warning lights (other than the immobilizer indicator). One more weirdness - if I am sitting in the car, front or back seat, with or without the fob, the beeping stops. The Prius is a 2005 with about 108,000 miles. Any suggestions as to the cause?
unusual, try disconnecting the battery for a few minutes. any aftermarket parts, accessories or alarms?
Yes - my idea was also to disconnect the battery. Unfortunately, the negative terminal has quite a bit of buildup and I haven't managed to free it up yet. No aftermarket parts - we've had the car from new. Thanks for your reply.
Oh dear! Red-face time I was too quick to blame the Prius. Turns out that the pitch of the garage door opener backup battery warning is almost identical to the Prius. Why I couldn't hear it in the car is another question - I blame my aged hearing. Thanks for your help, bisco.