Was not sure if this should go in a "normal" forum or not -- ie -- GEN 2 troubleshooting. I had a great deal of trouble getting Techstream to run today. I originally bought a Fogata unit a few years ago, but the Mini-VCI connector was cracked on arrival. It worked and I was able to pull the codes I needed (I had had it shipped overnight). But, once I got that done, I sent it back. I would have kept it. It worked fine, but I was afraid it would actually split and really break. So, last summer, got a check engine light. I ordered a new Mini-VCI from another firm that had top ratings. It came, but by the time it got here, the light had gone off and I never bothered to install it. Today, I had a check light, tried to install the Mini-VCI, it kept kicking me out at the "software registration page." I finally found an OBD site that gave me a code to plug in, which worked to at least get me in the evaluation mode. So, not being VCI-savvy, what do I need to do to get out of evaluation and into -- I don't know -- normal?
Try calling on @bisco. He seems to know a lot about most things Prius and if not he's bound to know someone who does. As ever I wish you good luck!
i wish. how did this post get so lost? i would unplug everything, shut down and start over. but you're gonna need patrick or andrew or someone of their ilk if that doesn't work.
My computer knowledge is about like the boss. But, have you tried deleting and reinstalling, or installing a completely different version from one of the many floating around the web.
Well, hope my "evaluate" holds out, as I am not getting any answers. I have read pretty much all I can find online everywhere. Apparently, if it goes to evaluate, you have 29 uses before it locks you out. There is supposedly a way to reset that....but... Anyway, one thing I read is to search and destroy your entire computer because "just uninstalling" does not get rid of previous programs. When I bought the previous device, I installed V. 7xxx on the laptop. When I returned the device, I deleted that version of Techstream. But, as I read, not all of it was gone. I manually found all pieces I could and deleted all of them. I then uninstalled and deleted all pieces of the program I installed last week. I then reinstalled the new version, but was still stuck at the registration screen. Oh, well. It works for the time being.
If you have or can acquire an installation disc of Windows XP you can use VirtualBox and have a sandboxed, discardable operating system upon which to run Techstream. Anything running XP should not be connected to the Internet in any case, but perhaps Techstream is phoning home with the evaluation login and disabling itself. I've not had any problems running mine from VirtualBox with networking disabled, inside my Macbook.
That was what disabled it the last time I tried to run TechStream remotely from inside the house. Once it 'touched' the Internet, it 'bricked itself.' Bob Wilson
Just went through a hell of a time getting a virtualbox setup with techstream. I have Mac OSX and did as follows, I'm attaching a photo with the links... I'm to new to the forum to post links yet... I'll repost with links in breakdown later Bought a Mini VCI on amazon: Get virtualBox here: link in text photo at bottom Install that puppy... Get yourself a version of Windows XP ... i got 32bit ... Piratebay (cough cough) Install XP on the virtualbox... instructions here: link in text photo at bottom After it's installed go into the settings for your virtual box here: Under General > Advanced do bidirectional Under Ports: Make sure your usb is selected: Downloaded Techstream 12 from here: link in text photo at bottom Site looks sketchy but actually worked for me. Follow the instructions on getting that program running Most of us these days don't have optical drives so thats why I downloaded it... plus if you follow instructions you can get around the key Pulled the Mini VCI driver from this OneDrive account and installed it by dragging and dropping it in my virtual box and running the .exe link in text photo at bottom I had issues with java on my version... I downloaded an old version of Java 8 and drag and dropped and installed on my virtualBox Plugged in Mini VCI readied my car and found out my Transaxle is toast. No good deed goes unpunished. Hit me up if anyone has any questions.