I have the Prime Premium for a week now. In the beginning when I overnight charged the car it would gave me around a 25 miles range. However, the range has been increasing by about one additional mile everyday. This morning it showed 29.9 miles after an overnight charge. Just wondering if this is normal, or will vary.
Yes it is. It will increase with efficient driving. It will eventually plateau. I am averaging about 36 to 37 EV range. #1 in Easley,SC
Yes it is. Mainly drive city and efficiently, it will go up. Mainly drive hwy and fast, it will go down. It is an estimate (algorithm) of how you drive; based heavily on the most recent driving.
It is just a guess-o-meter. Real miles might be a lot different. With mine, it says 34.5 now (it has plateaued), but since work is 1.5 miles away, I rarely use all the EV range in a day and there is some zombie drain of the EV battery every time the car sits. I can lose 10 miles in 5 days if I don't use all the stored EV power in one trip. That part kinda sucks. That I don't need to plug it in every single day doesn't suck.
My increased gradually so I now routinely get around 40! I'm enjoying it now and wondering how much of a hit it will take when cold weather sets in.
40 is pretty high. Ours seems to have peaked in the 33 range. Have you tried to see how far you actually go? I'm finding upper 20's to 30 are common occasionally hitting low thirties but also some trips in the lower twenties depending on where we go. Haven't really been monitoring it that closely as it's not really something I can effect, more just a curiosity.
Driving around town and on backroads with hills and some 45 mph sections, I can get about 35 miles range in ideal weather conditions.
I'm hitting about 37. I've learned to milk the EV with use of "N" and other techniques. Lot's of 35/45 mph sections.
I probably have pretty unusual circumstances for my daily commute. Half of my driving is on the parkway bordering the Mississippi River - speed limit 25 MPH. I often speed - 30, maybe even 32! I know, I'm ashamed. Flat terrain, low speed, few cross streets to stop for.
Mostly. But it has been in the middle 90's since I got the car, it is stored outside and the batteries always start hot for my 1:30pm drive to work. I charge it every 5-6 days so the power isn't used in one trip but divided into about 13 small trips. I think that's the recipe for zombie drain right there. I'm looking forward to see what happens when temps drop down to the 60's mid-day.
Does regenerative braking charge the Prime battery or just the traction battery or perhaps both? Noob question from a Prius 2 owner.
No such thing as a stupid question. The main Prime battery and the traction battery are the same thing. And yes, regen braking charges it. The only other battery in the vehicle is the small 12v that runs small electronics.
We're about 7 weeks into ownership, and after only a week or so I started doing this: Jotting down how far the car "thinks" I'll be able to drive (guess-o-meter) in EV (only) mode (upon the completion of a "full charge")... and also jotting down how far I actually drove (real miles) in EV (only) mode. Usually, there is no more than 2 to 3 miles variance (less than 10%) between those two figures. Sometimes, the car's estimate is lower than the real miles, and sometimes it is higher. Initially (after my FIRST "full charge"), the car "thought" it could be driven about 26.5 miles EV. That figure has gone up to about 34.5 since then. To date, I've driven as far as 38.2 miles on a single charge (averaging 31.6 actual miles driven per "full charge")....
I've been doing the same thing. I've got the last 5 Prime Guess-O-Miles and the actuals written down on a log. I'll be posting that sometime soon. What's going to do that list in is the ICE going on while I'm defrosting. Just starting to see temps in the 30's around here. Total EV miles were fun while the EV season lasted.