Anyone who can help! This is only my 2nd thread on PC ever. I want to get a good idea of what you would ask for your TC005's, the older version not the newer, different models. What I'll buy in the near future: WedsSport TC-005, 16"x 7", 5x100, set of 4, 12.7 lbs ea., for 205 width tires. I don't know much about offset and I think the bolt pattern is correct. SO, please give me some numbers or even guesses for all I care. Thanks!
That's a good idea, and make sure to filter the search for "sold listings" so you can see if/what prices they sold at.
The odd thing is, I thought I would find plenty but I found only 1 listing that is ongoing and found nothing for previous sold listings. I have found them here on PC a couple of times, but I suppose I'm looking for numbers by current owners who might sell and others who could give some guesses based on their value from a few years ago. I was thinking roughly $500 to $600 in good great condition. Another user here sold 4 of the same size auction-style for just under $900 in 2007. Weds WedsSport TC005 Prius rims for sale | PriusChat What do you think? And btw, visually, do 16s look a bit weird on their gen 2?
I have 16" touring rims, they don't look weird. Much better than 15's Once I get wheel spacers I think it'll really tighten the look. I'd like to get rims but in order to keep the GF happy I would be on a tight budget. Otherwise I'd have to explain why I spent $$$ on wheels and not stashing it in savings for us after college
16s to me don't look weird at all. If/when I do get new aftermarket rims, I am planning on going to lightweight 16s.
Agreed, the touring wheels look good, but the way their lines are make em look like 17s IMO. But yea they look good. Spacers? YES lol
So any guesses fellas? I'd like to know what to save up for in a little while. PLUS, anyone who might be interested in selling in the future could chime in Basically I'm finding nothing almost anywhere, so PC is my info stream for this thread