After a couple of days of heavy rain after rain bands from Irma, I noticed a stream of water running down inside the car, from the top of the Liftback, when making a turn. I checked the rubber gasket all of the way around without seeing a problem. The next morning the same thing happened. This time I noticed a water droplet in the break in the plastic molding around the top of the inside. I popped off the molding and noticed a water droplet around the windshield washer sprayer nozzle. Then I noticed that the clip on the right side of the sprayer nozzle was not engaged. I could push the nozzle up on the right side and see daylight. I took a small screwdriver and pulled the clip back out on the right side and secured the nozzle. I sprayed a water hose directly at the nozzle and all around the top of the Liftback and everything remained dry. I need another hard rain to verify no more leaks. The first picture shows the top plastic trim removed and the second picture shows a closeup of the nozzle where you can see the plastic clips that holds the nozzle in place. I have no idea how the clip became disengaged.
We had a thunderstorm this afternoon with heavy, driving rain. Everything was dry around the washer nozzle. So I think I can declare success on this and consider myself lucky it was a simple problem to fix.