My high voltage battery just died after an otherwise reliable history with this car. It has done almost 170,000 km. I am trying to decide if it worth investing in a new battery knowing there is a risk other costly parts may start to go. Wondering about the experience of others?
That's not much more than 100,000 miles in the US. For comparison, my 2005 Gen 2 reached 247,000 miles before the HV pack needed replacement. I extended its life a little by replacing four modules. I could not see investing in a new HV pack with that many miles on the odometer and because it was burning more and more oil as the miles accumulated. So I sold it instead. The Darwin climate and topography might be (and appears to be) rough on HV packs so is it worth it to you to get another 170,000 km with your Prius? If your car is not burning oil or does not have another chronic conditions you should get another pack provided the price is not too much more than we pay here in the States. I'd imagine it would be pricier which is going to make your decision tougher. Nevertheless, a new car is much more expensive than an new HV pack and you will probably get another 7 to 10 years with your Prius if you decide to stay with it and purchase a new pack for it. I definitely would.
This is more supporting evidence that the traction battery's life span is based more on years, and not miles. Before reading this site, I thought that it was all about miles.
Your car would make another 100,000 kms easily, another 200,000 kms likely. Otherwise move up to a 2015 or newer.