I set my screen to compare my vehicle with another getting 55mpg I see two car icons that have ..03 on mine and .05 on the comparison vehicle what do these numbers equate to on a 27 mile trip my vehicle icon went down to .02 but no lower I normaly get around 68 mpg so I would expect the savings to be higher that the .30 shown my average speed is 50mph Thanks for any help
That's using the price of gas that you input when you filled your tank, vs the 55 mpg vehicle. 27 miles and saving $.30 over that 55mpg vehicle is actually pretty dang good.
So today I set my comparison car at 60mpg and over the same route I managed to beat it by .20c so looks like my usual readings of 65+/-mpg om my ECO score are fairly accurate though that does include deducting 4 mpg as the computer is usually a bit on the happy side.
That's a good feature to know about, I was kind of wondering about it, as I traded up in mpg from a 13 Camry SE 4 to a 17 Prius C Two. Would be interested in finding out how much I save as I live in the DFW area. Btw I'm extremely excited about owning my first Prius, always wanted one, now I finally got one ❤️
So for the last two weeks I have had my comparison car set at 65 mpg and my usual trip to town being 2 miles off road and 25 high way I am usually getting 66-68 on the computer real world refills are averaging 64-65 so I think that's maybe the best I can get at present I am thinking of increasing the tire pressures to 42/42 to see if that increases mpg any further
well tried 42/42 and no real difference I do see a regular better mileage not using CC though its usually only 2-3 mpg per the computer