I've downloaded the techstream software (V12) Will any of the mini VCI cables on Ebay suit or does it have to be a specific one? There seems to be a lot at vastly differing prices. Thanks Bob
I suspect they are pretty much the same; it's a roll of the dice. Buy one and if it doesn't work ask for a replacement.
If you search for year-ish old and older TechStream posts, there are a number of USB cables that have caused problems. From links to links to first sources, it seems that something in the USB hardware was proprietary and often boot-legged (shocking I know!) in most of the CHEAP Pacific-rim versions often sold for <$25. Mongoose seemed to be the only one I recall where you could pretty much count on it working 100%. But they are costly.
From v11.xx.xxx the integration to the tech info website has been enhanced and you will need to obtain a subscription in order to get to the car diagnostics. Casual subscription rates are very reasonable starting at US$15 for 2 business days. Up to v10.xx.xxx the software would work offline without a subscription, but I hear that v10.xx.xxx introduced a nag that says the software is out-of-date and you must update. I haven't heard that there is a "drop dead" date embedded, so you can of course not update, ignore the message and continue to use that version. Any version from v7.xx.xxx on will work fine for the Prius. More expensive because it is the real deal, not the most expensive available though but well worth the money. Don't confuse it for the Mangoose that you will see advertised on Amazon/fleaBay, that is just another knock off. It is quite easy to justify the cost for the genuine Mongoose, when you figure it will cost you $100 a time to get a dealer to diagnose, so if you want that capability and more, it is not a hard decision. As far as which knock off to get (if that's the way you want to go), they are all much of a muchness, look at the seller's feedback and buy from a US based seller will a good feedback rating. Read the comments about what people had problems with. Don't necessarily buy the cheapest. There are some cables that advertise 64-bit drivers, which means it should install on Win 8 - Win 10. Again check the comments for whether people had Win 8/Win 10 problems. Don't bother trying to install the 32-bit drivers on Win 8/Win 10 unless you are a Win guru with lots of time to devote to research and installation. Techstream is great once you get it up and running and well worth the time to get it set up. Not the aggravation though, but once it is up and running you quickly forget the aggravation. LOL Hope that helps.
Didn't realise it was integrated to the website. I wondered why they gave it away free. Silly me should have realised.. I've downloaded version 9 now so will have a go with that
Can you provide some links? Given that PriusChat has been around for ages, you'd think there'd be authoritative FAQs compiled and vetted for Techstream, Mini VCI, ELM 327, etc.
I bought mini vci from Dragon-diagnostics on Ebay. It comes with a disk containing drivers and version 10 of Techstream. I installed it on a windows XP 32 bit laptop and it works great. I programmed two keys with it (non smart keys) It's difficult to install on 64 bit windows 7 machine but very easy on 32 bit XP. Here's the link: dragon-diagnostics-uk on eBay Cheers
I wouldn't dare trust any of those cheap Chinese counterfeit cable's for flashing computers as you can potentially brick or short out all the computers in your car. Mongoose Pro is the way to go as $495 is not alot of money compared to the full TechStream that comes with the Toughbook that cost $5,799. You need to be a professional diagnostic subscriber to TIS to gain access to calibration files and computer control module firmware images. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Over 5,000 for a toughbook with some software on it is a rip-off of monumental proportions. They do it because they don't want anyone other than their official outlets doing these things and if you do, your going to pay through the nose for it. It's like downloading a pirate CD, The media people will tell you that the money is going to fund terrorists and the world is going to come to an end; complete nonsense . . . . . . . .
I just updated my software to V12 and used it with the old mini VCI cable #J2534 that I got with V10 several years ago. Works fine with the gen 4.
So let me ask this: if I pay up for 2 days of diagnostics and if I download the software, do any of the diagnostic functions work after the two days?
For system-by-system lists of the live information that the Techstream software can show you, and some hints on interpreting it, see the Data List/Active Test pages in the relevant section of the Repair Manual (more info). For a 2013 Prius, for example, there is no such information for the Wiper and Washer System, but for the Hybrid Control System (which also includes the Hybrid Battery System), there are nearly 200 items in the Data List, including the state of charge, voltage, and current for the HV battery as a whole, and the voltage and internal resistance of each of its blocks.