Terms of Use | Equifax Can someone please point out to me in this "Terms of Use"...as reported by media...where and how you can summit to undue this waiver. I did the initial only to find I was effected and my date to log in and accept the free for one year "TrustedIDPremier" service is on 09-11-2017. Thanks.
and the people's watchdog/pitbull. but i would prefer to see them force equifax to notify everyone affected by snail mail. less easily hacked.
I'm not Liz's biggest fan, although I have read two of her books (or, more accurately....she read them to me) HOWEVER......(comma!) I think that she should be set loose on EFX and burn them to the waterline, and then go after WFC (Wells Fargo) when she's done. Not a 1% thing....just a law and order thing. Only when corporate ossifers start doing hard time (or at least a perp walk!) will we start to see a difference in attitudes. So.....I went to the web site just out of curiosity and.....sure enough, my information "might have been" (read: WAS!) compromised. While I was trying really hard to find some rats to give about this shocking revelation, I noticed that I have until late November to decide if I wanted to avail myself of the free credit monitoring. It only took a few seconds for me to decide against that action. a. My credit is frozen. b. It's Saturday. I have a hurricane to watch, grass to cut, and it's the anniversary of some momentous date in North Korea....either their birthday or a celebration of kim's first bowel movement...I forget which, but they always flick something into the news cycle on a Saturday lately... Oh...and I get to watch the Dodgers blow their best season since they were in Brooklyn, maybe. Credit hack? ...meh.
Just got off the phone and as stated and recorded, until you register to accept the "free one year monitoring" you are not entered into or bound by Terms of Use | Equifax. My question still remains for those that have accepted. According to the News, you can write in to undue this agreement, but I have found no specifics anywhere...and you know how "Legal" is.
Somehow, this company gathers all my personal information, sells it, gets hacked, then and tries to sell me "protection" to cover their carelessness (and get me to sign away my rights), all without my permission. What a trumped-up business model!
I've wondered if the virus protection companies had another office making computer viruses. Bob Wilson
Yup. Best Buy pulls Kaspersky Lab products after concerns over ties to the Russian government - The Verge
Just coming out of free 2 years of credit monitoring (Trans Union & Experian) from the T-Mobile breach. John Legere was so miffed Experian, he made them pay for 2 years of their service & 2 years of Trans Union's for any of his customers who wanted it. Now there's the Time Warner Cable breach, too. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Credit monitoring is like getting a call from the police letting you know that your house was broken into...... .....yesterday. That's why the center of gravity now is credit freezing, which in a fair and just world should be something that you should have to proactively opt OUT of after being paid by the credit reporting agencies to use YOUR data.........instead of the other way around. Unfortunately the world is neither fair nor just....so it is what it is. All of my personal data was miss-handled by dot.gov years ago, so I presume that all things knowable about me is already out there. I lose very little sleep over it.
Read in news on BBC that the Robot Lawyer websitein America is working on the problem for USA individuals on the civil claim court. A couple of links below..... Chatbot offers legal help to Equifax data breach victims - BBC News https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.legalcheek.com/2017/09/robot-lawyer-offering-legal-assistance-to-equifax-hack-victims-is-uk-bound/&ved=0ahUKEwjI-vC1u6fWAhXlKMAKHd_uDOoQqOcBCE8wBw&usg=AFQjCNGGHFuqDOnJJCaV69r2yCSRDXTI_w https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://uk.businessinsider.com/robot-lawyer-chatbot-2017-7&ved=0ahUKEwjI-vC1u6fWAhXlKMAKHd_uDOoQFggxMAA&usg=AFQjCNHteP9Y5qPC5Qf7-utHV-vnaxzynA
it should be like vdub. haul them to court, send them to jail, make them pay an enormous fine, and distribute it to those affected.