When the AC is on and I turn the temperature up and down I hear a moaning sound coming from behind the dash. It sounds like a valve or baffle opening and closing as I change the desired temperature and more or less cold air is needed. Any way to get in there and lube the offending part?
I know exactly what you mean!! I expirience the same moaning when I start the A/C in auto mode and the A/C engages the recirculation mode. The noise in my case is coming from the mechanism that operates the recirculation door. I would like to know as well if there is any DIY fix. I am willing to live with the noise if it takes a visit to the dealer to fix. I have already lived with the noise for 50,000 miles, what's another 50k.
It's not the AC compressor starting noise (see http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...oise-jill-intermittent-motor-fan-turning.html), or is it?
In my case is not the compressor; I can replicate the noise by leaving the A/C off and cycling the recirculation mode from the steering wheel. It seems in my personal expirience to be most noticible during warmer days.
Ah the Moaning Recirc vent, I know it well and for a long time. I think this is the only thing that makes me not 100% happy with my car. Mine is exactly a moaning of the recirc vent. Which on top of the fact that I would always leave the vent closed, except for fog issues, drives me crazy. Anyone know of a way to keep the vent closed, in other words stop the dang car opening it on its own? And if anyone has an idea on how to fix the moaning that would be great also! I plan to get into the area and fix the link for the fan motor (have to hit it hard to get it to start sometimes and it is reported that the connector is loose).
2009Prius- That works for that trip, I guess if I never use the Air button on the steering wheel and set everything myself. I guess that is more like how I used to do it in the old car. Hum not the most efficient but I think that may work so I do not get blasted with exhaust from time to time (from other vehicles). Funny simple things that we miss! (though still have the moaning when need to open or close the recirc vents but that is less often then!) Thanks, Raf
I finally figured out how to fix this problem. There is a flapper valve / baffle behind the glove compartment that is making the noise as it opens/shuts. Remove the bottom glovebox. First, empty the glovebox. On the right there is a rubber 'shock absorber' that easily slips off a post on the glovebox. Next, there are two tabs on either side of the glovebox that keep the glovebox from falling out. The glovebox is flimsy enough that the sides can be pushed in, one at a time, allowing the tabs to come out of the catches, and the glovebox to fall forward. You can just let the glovebox hang. Behind the glove box is the offending baffle. With the environmental control on 'auto', cycle the temperature up and down and you will see the foam baffle swing up and down at the top of the assembly behind the glovebox. I first thought the noise was the foam rubbing against the plastic side on the left of the baffle, so I sprayed WD40 (which is safe for plastic). No change. Then, to the left of the plastic side, near the top, I saw the actuator that moves the baffle. It's way back there - shine a flashlight so you can see. I tried a quick squirt of WD40 even thought I could not see the actuator connection, and it worked - moan gone. Reassembly is quick. I was worried I would get a WD40 smell from the AC but I did not. 5 minute job, and I don't want to speculate what the dealer would have charged.
Just wanted to say thanks for inspiring me to fix the moaning problem at last. (It's not really a problem, but certainly noticeable and can become annoying as the recirculation cycles on and off). I removed the glove compartment as suggested and located the lower recirc damper with no problem... but as I actuated recirculation on the touch screen I noticed that the lower one wasn't moaning. (The lower pivot is to the left of the "Toyota Denso D4" label visible in the middle of the first photograph attached below). Instead, the moaning was coming from the upper actuator. I sprayed Liquid Wrench white lithium grease on the pivot and arm of the upper actuator and the moaning stopped after two actuation cycles. For good preventative measure, I put a little grease on the lower actuator as well. I took a couple of photos: the first shows the general area. The upper actuator is behind the white connector at the upper left of the photo. The second photo shows (as best I could fit the lens into the gap) the upper actuator pivot where you need to spray a little grease or WD-40 as a previous poster suggested.
I wanted to resurrect this thread, as my '08 Prius has been exhibiting this same "moaning" for a while now. It's the same as described above. Cycling the vent baffles with the recirculation button on either the MFD or steering wheel causes a moaning sound at the location of the vents behind the glove box. I removed the glove box and sprayed some lithium grease on the lower actuator, which has quieted it. However, I'm having trouble getting the upper actuator to quiet down. As was mentioned earlier, It's difficult to see / access the upper actuator assembly as its hidden quite a ways back. I liberally sprayed the area shown in the second photo above ("MoaningAC_Actuator02.jpg") but the sound persists. I'm wondering if perhaps there is another spot I am missing? I'm hoping someone familiar with this can help point me in the right direction, or provide a few extra photos so I can better visualize all of the points where I should be lubricating that upper door/actuator. Thanks so much! -Kizzy
My ac groan comes from under the steering wheel. The ac normally directs cool air out the dash vents by moving the baffles into position. The under-dash baffle groans as it moves into position, but with the he fan on Low, it's possible to hear what I think may be the driver side baffle actuator cycling about twice a second. I guess the baffle isn't quite getting into the right position, and the actuator continues trying. My concern is that the actuator will burn out. I've looked, but can't find anything that looks serviceable. Is there any tech service info available? Gen II/'05 Prius.
i think some have been able to squirt some lubricant in a few areas from underneath. tech info is available by subscription for $15./ 2 days.
Thanks for this advice! Lubricating the upper actuator with silicone lubricant stopped the moaning sound for me.
@edthefox5 Reading the post will guide you how to. Post #10 http://www.RedBullet.net http://www.ProjectLithium.com http://www.Pulstar.com http://www.PlugOutPower.com