This is the very first one that I am looking at in person. I have mixed feelings only because the back end is something I have to get used to if I were to upgrade to one of these. The front end looks pretty cool but smaller than what I originally anticipated. Maybe it's the color but I'm not all there yet as far as signing on the dotted line. What did you think when you first seen it in person?
Couldn't care less what it looks like, as that's not part of my purchase decision. That said, I've never gotten more complements on how my car looks on any other car I've ever driven, including my show car.
I had the opposite reaction I like the rear end just fine, but the front end kind of threw me for a loop. All I can say now, is that like a bulldog the looks of the puppy will grow on you! .
Same as Lee, I have received compliments on how it looks. With the lights on it changes the perception, even more so at night. Until they become more common (if that's even possible with the slower roll out) I'm sure I'll keep getting positive looks from people in $50k+ vehicles. The back is really the eye catcher. I've had multiple people switch lanes and slow down just to get behind me. Either to see what car it is or to oogle the window and brake lights. If you still don't like the looks, maybe this will sway you... I'm getting 150+ mpg. I've had the car for 3 weeks, and have over 1,000 miles on it. I still don't know what my gas cap looks like...30% tank left (36 ev miles per full charge, caveat - I live in Chicago so everything I need /want is mostly within a 30 mile round trip.)
I love the efficiency of the Prime. The looks are secondary to me, which is nice for the most part! My wife says she doesn't like ordinary looking cars. They are just another car. But the Prime, she says, has personality. You see it, and know it is a Prime! I have gotten more compliments on my Prime than any other Prius I have owned. I am amazed how people will ask me about my car! Never had that done to me before on any other Prius! I think it looks sporty looking! #1 in Easley,SC
Why did you remove the hubcaps by the way? The rims underneath look ok, but if I were to get one it would have to be the Alloy rims listed on Toyota's website as an option when your building it.
I didn't like the alloys that Toyota offered for more money. I like the alloys under the caps better than the caps. #1 in Easley,SC
Really? The ones under the caps just look too small for me. I don't know maybe Toyota's would look the same. I'd have to see them in person. They just look bigger to me.
I think the allows without caps are an inch larger. If I get something different, it will be something aftermarket. #1 in Easley,SC
I think the wheels under the caps are awful, the $900 upgraded wheels are awful, and only the wheels available in Europe are really nice.
Whether or not you like her nice person or her shoes, make sure you "really" love the whole woman (I mean car) before you decide to buy.
I'm not attracted by the look of the front or the back - but think it's cool looking from the side. Like others, what it looks like is pretty unimportant to me compared to how it functions.
For those who own it how is the acceleration in gas mode? Is there enough space in the trunk for basic groceries?
It's not the most attractive car in the world. The rear end looks strange from a lot of angles, just look at my profile picture, but I do think the side looks cool and the wheels underneath the covers are absolutely hideous. They look too small and cheap. Acceleration will be the same or worse than the Gen 2.
If looks matter to you, in my opinion, darned near any hubcaps would look better than those abominations underneath. But that's just one person's opinion. Some of my other opinions are so far out of the mainstream, it's amazing I can live in society. You should judge for yourself.
I drive about 30 miles a day and I could easily plug it in overnight and rarely ever waste gas. My concerns are: WI winter range and will r decrease from 25? How will the Prime perform in 2 inches of snow vs 10 inches of snow. I know its a heavy car, but it's still very important I know how it will handle. When I need the acceleration because of a hazard of the road or if I need to pass someone up last minute, will the Prime cause issues as far as speeding up in time avoid an accident. Our home has .1311kwh. How can I figure out what it would cost to charge?