Hi All, Believe it or not but I got a ticket for driving my Prius Prime in the HOV lane at 8:24am along 101, near the Civic Center in Marin California. The ticket was for not having the 4 HOV stickers on my car, the 3 I had displayed was not good enough ??!! So, look out there if your in Marin. There is a Motor Officer that has a bad day or does not like the Prius. He passed up 2-3 other cars with single occupancy to come get me. I know what your thinking, if your familiar with 101 at this time of day, there isn't speeding. The only violation noted on the ticket was CVC 21655.9(b). 2 out of 10 cars are violating the HOV lane and I get the ticket. Its a fix it ticket, but still not happy with it. Lookout there.
That’s crazy! I understand that rules are rules, but when there are so many people blatantly violating the occupancy rule, they should be targeting the bigger problem first.
Most cops/CHP officers I know are pretty cool, given their work environment. The jerk that stopped you probably owns a Humvee or a 460 cubic inch 4-wheel drive truck with a 15" lift kit!! He's also got 1000 or more shares of Exxon, or Chevron. That's the kind of cop I went to trial against, where I won the case and had the pleasure of listening to the judge give the cop a lecture on how inappropriate the ticket was! By the way, many judges don't like cops; it seems they get tickets too! Sorry to hear you got a real hoser!! .
Last I heard...even in California...breaking the law is breaking the law. Just because someone has a hybrid (I have 3) does not grant one special favor over a single occupant Bubba Truck in the HOV.
Breaking the law (having 1 less sticker than required, while having all the other stickers, proving that your car is in compliance with HOV requirements) depends on the circumstances. Someone hit the back of my fully HOV stickered 2012 PIP which required repainting, after sticker removal, of the car. I did apply for replacement stickers as required by law, but for almost 2 months, I was a reckless, 3-stickered scofflaw! Fortunately for me, "Officer Marin" was never able to discover my crime!! My CHP buddy says that the HOV ticket received is "a CS ticket" .
Wow getting pulled for 3/4 stickers is just dumb. I wonder if he thought you sold the 1 sticker or something. Then again if anything, a warning should have been enough in the spirit if the law just in case he thought perhaps you didnt notice thay it eas not missing.
So the ticket for having only 3 decals was a "fixit" ticket, not the full carpool lane violation ticket ($$$)?
Do you still have the 4th sticker? I saw another post where people were "confused" about how many needed to be put on... The directions were very clear IMO. Some people don't like the look of those stickers up front. Some people think only two is sufficient.. Officer Marin was a stickler to the rules, but it's just a fixit ticket. All it'll cost you is your time if I'm not mistaken.
Correct, the vehicle has only 3 stickers and the 4th came off. How is that so you may ask...well let me tell you. I am a home inspector and I carry with me handy wipes, anti-bug juice, soap, etc. I just happened to use the handy wipe from my supplies to "clean off" the spot for the sticker. O...handy wipe had Aloe. Lost 1 sticker and the 2nd was flapping in the wind. The rear 2 were fine. The remaining one in the front is connected with compound glue. Not going anywhere. Interesting someone mentioned / asked if he thought they were stole/sold. The officer did ask what my other vehicles were....Hummm. Its a 1500Ram, not going to be hiding in an HOV lane. I wonder if there is some of that going on. Pretty low probability if you ask me.
Yikes, I better reattach my front decal. Been driving with 3 decals after my bumper repair 3 months after getting the car. I don't drive North Bay, luckily. Last time I did, got a fixit ticket for tinted front windows by Officer Foster City. I ripped off the front decal after the accident knowing the bumper would be replaced. The decal has been sitting in the glove box the past 5 years. I'll just tape it back on best I can. It won't look pretty but will look green to any cop looking behind him.
You would be amazed how many laws are on the books and not enforced. Marriage outside your race, for one example Or liquor laws, for another. So NO, laws are not equally enforced, and for good reason.
There is a difference between laws that are not enforced, and laws that have been declared by the courts to be unenforceable, but are still on the books. When my mother-in-law passed away recently, they found race restrictions on the deed of her home bought in 1952. Such restrictions were voided decades ago. Restricting marriage outside one's own race is another unenforceable law.
"unenforceable" is usually not by fiat. It mostly means that the police got tired of seeing their work not result in punishment or revenue. Enjoy: crazy laws still on the books - Google Search
Wow that's surprising....4 HOV stickers is sort of over-kill in the first place. Its not like they are small stickers.
I believe laws against interracial marriage went away in the U.S. with the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
They still exist in many places but have been superseded by other laws. Read my link above for many laws that are simply ignored.