I'm looking to purchase my first Prius soon and I've been reading that the new 2017.5 come with a standard Safety Plus Package. What exactly does this include? Does this include the full IPA? or just sensors and camera?
The Safety Plus Package is only available on the Two and higher, not the One. Here's the press release: https://fleet.toyota.com/ftc/public/staticContent/docs/Pricing%20Communications/17MY%20Toyota%20Prius%20Price%20Announcement%20Fleet%20Letter.pdf As you can see, the Safety Plus package is a "complementary discount" of $1000 for the Twos and Threes and $500 for the Fours. It's really confusing because Toyota still (it's been a couple months) has not changed their website. The SPP adds Blind Spot Monitor (BSM) w/Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA) and Intelligent Clearance Sonar (ICS) with Intelligent Parking Assist (IPA). You get the TSS-P also on every trim, so you can get all the bells and whistles on the Two and above with the SSP.
Last I checked the Prius line goes from One, Two, Two Eco, 3, 3Touring, 4, 4Touring. I am not aware of a 1 Eco. They called the Two Eco just the Prius Eco because there was no trim below two and only one Eco model. So I would say the 2 Eco 2017.5 would come equipped with advanced TSS-P.
Toyota's nomenclature is a bit confusing! I have a 2016 Three with ATP and TSS-P. However, I don't have the Blind Spot Monitor (BSM) w/Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA) and Intelligent Clearance Sonar (ICS) with Intelligent Parking Assist (IPA). I love what I have, especially the HUD, but I think the BSM and RCTA would be really useful.
We had a real driving mess here in SW Florida from Irma this past week - Power outages= no traffic signals. Just going to the grocery store was fraught with danger, as some drivers were unaware that no traffic light means a 4 way stop for everyone. No one ran into my car, but I was thinking a few times how the Toyota Safety Sense Plus would have given me better situational awareness and protection from the drivers who ignored the rules of the road.
So true. Glad you're still ok after the hurricane. Our hearts go out to you all from your cousin's across the pond.
I just purchased a Prius Two Eco with 06/17 build date, and it does not have BSM or RCTA, or the intelligent parking system. I thought I read somewhere that the marketing bulletin showed these now standard features are not on Eco..
Thank you, RCO- I never want to see another Hurricane. One of my friends will be one week without power tomorrow afternoon. I notice that Chrysler is offering a special $500 rebate, for Florida - a recovery effort rebate. Our local Kia just announced on TV, that they have special $289/mo leases on truckloads of $30,000+ Cadenzas just for Florida. A lot of vehicles were flooded and need replaced asap. Toyota hasn't announced any help, yet. My wife and I might spring for a new Prius, if Toyota would step up to the plate. I was up in Indianapolis a couple weeks ago and they have $2000 rebates on a Prius and $1500 on a Prius v- local dealers have no deals- and thanks to the Southeast Toyota marketing "cartel" In Jacksonville, FL, all new Toyotas have $899 dealer fees and another $900+- for a Toyoguard spray sealant/fabric protectors = a spray on ripoff. Which add zero resale value to the Prius.
Only went through typhoons myself, most memorably Gordon in Hong Kong 1989. Typhoon Gordon (1989) - Wikipedia
Wow, I checked and Gordon sounds like it was one mean hombre. The sun is in a low sunspot period of the 11 solar cycle- and with extremely low solar activity, which affects radio/satellite communications. The solar wind also affects the height of the atmosphere and cloud cover on Earth. Some reports indicate we are entering a period of more extreme weather conditions, because of this.