So I took my Prius into Toyota today for an oil change and they told me that it's overdue for it's 100,000 mile maintenance, which is apparently changing all of the fluids in the engine such as engine fluid and all of that stuff. However, I've never experienced any issues with my Prius at all… So I'm not sure if they are just trying to heckle me for some more money or not. Does anyone know anything about this 100,000 mile fluid change??
If you read your user manual, you will find that the coolant (2 independent loops) should be drained and refilled at 100k miles and then every 50k miles thereafter. The spark plugs are to be replaced at about the same time. I also add replacing the PCV valve at that time and if you haven't done so yet drain and refill the transmission fluid. These are normal maintenance items and are done to keep your Prius running well. JeffD
Mr.Burnstick, I would echo JDenenberg, follow the manual. I changed coolant for the engine and separate coolant for the inverter at 100K miles. Don't let anyone attempt to sell you a flush. Its a very simple drain and refill. Use the Genuine Toyota Super Long Life Coolant. I change my transmission fluid every 60K miles. Use the Genuine Toyota WS-World Standard Fluid. Again don't let anyone sell you a flush, its a simple drain and refill. They say the transmission fluid is a lifetime fluid, I disagree. I did not change my plugs at 100K because I was trying to see how long they would go. They lasted until 192K when I started to experience a misfire. So if you don't want to gamble get them changed. It is a bit of a process and involves removing the wiper assembly and lower cowl. But as typical with Toyota is very well thought out. Much easier in the long run then some of the older GM minivans I used to have to deal with where everything was done by feel only. Take care of the Prius and it will take care of you.
welcome! following the o/m is a lot cheaper than most dealers recommendations. how overdue are you? some people like to space out the maintenance to avoid a huge bill all at one time.
I highly recommend changing out your EGR cooler with a spare clean one as well as cleaning of the other EGR components. Mine needed it at 72k miles. Your head gasket and fuel economy will thank you. Pixel XL ?
Coolants are good for 120k miles, I don't think changing it every 50k mile is a smart idea lol... just my 2 cent All of the maintenance can be found on our YouTube. Good luck! And have fun doing it yourself
Do the radiator and inverter coolant and transmission oil if you did not do it earlier. Both coolants are the same but run independently of each other. Spark plugs are not a bad idea either. Dealership is not taking you for a ride in what they told you about 100K maintenance.
On the US schedule the inverter coolant change is significantly further down the road: read yur Warranty and Maintenance Guide carefully, there's some tricky footnotes. FWIW, the Canadian book says to change them both at the same time, 160K kms OR 10 years IIRC.
Here's what my recommendation would be: Replace the transmission fluid. I personally like to do this every 50k, but it seems as if most people do it every 60K. Replace the engine air filter (if needed) Replace the cabin air filter (if needed) Replace the coolant. Again, I like to replace my coolant every 50K, but most people seem to replace theirs every 75-100K. Replace the PCV valve. I'd recommend doing this every 100K miles. Flush and replace the brake fluid. This should be done every 36K miles or so. Lubricate the sliding pins. This should also be done every 36K miles. Clean out the the throttle body. There's a video on here posted by Nutz about Boltz showing you how to do this. I personally do this every 50K miles. Your EGR valve will probably be pretty clogged up, but unless you're really good at DIY stuff, I'd hold off on cleaning or replacing it. The EGR is covered by a 10 year/ 150,000 mile warranty so I'd just hold off on this one. Replacing/ cleaning the EGR is a very tedious process and getting it replaced at the dealer would likely cost over $1,000. I would just wait until your car throws the "P0401" code and then cross that bridge when it happens.
If you want to keep your car a while without replacing the engine - you'll want to keep your EGR and intake systems clean. One of the purposes of the EGR system is to lower the combustion temperature from 2100*C to below 1726*C (2000*K) to prevent the formation of NOX. A completely clogged EGR system on a 2zrfxe Prius engine will increase the combustion temperatures up by roughly 800*F. Engines that are run hotter than their design specs will warp heads and blocks and destroy head gaskets. I believe the earliest head gasket failure that was reported on PC was 150k miles. For the math, check out my reply in the EGR blanking plate ? thread. Replacing the EGR components every 5-6 years will probably cost less than installing an engine. If you keep the used components and clean them yourself - even better.