Hi I'm looking for a little guidance. My 08 Pkg.2 Prius has a little over 97k on it and is running fine. We are planning to leave Sat. for Florida and will have just around 100k on it when we return so my extended warranty will be just about over. With all the talk lately about some inverter coolant pumps going out I was checking things and noticed that although I can hear the pump running when I look in the resivoir the coolant shakes a little and seems to be moving but not alot. How much is it supposed to be moving? The level is really full and color seems to be good but there is alot of white spots on the cap. looks like sulfur or something is coming out of the coolant. Does anybody else see this white stuff on the cap? I was planning on getting all the fliuds changed when I get back but now I'm wondering if I should get it checked out first? Thanks for your opinions.
white spots = aluminum oxide? That is not normal or good. I wonder if some clogging has formed within the inverter coolant passages. I'd encourage you to have the coolants replaced before your trip, if you can fit that into the schedule.
Sounds normal. I cleaned the white/pink stuffs. I made a video when I changed my coolant. Does your look like mine? [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yf6eCeV4M8]YouTube - 2006 Prius Inverter Coolant Change[/ame]
Thanks usbseawolf2000. That is a great vidieo you made. I didn,t eaxactly see your resivoir cap but it doesn seem to be how you described it. White/pink stuff. I guess it must be normal since you had it too. How much should the coolant move in the resivoir tank when the pump is running? Is there a thermostat or anything that regulates the flow depending on temp. or is it just on or off? Thanks.
I changed the coolant in my inverter a couple of weeks ago and was observing the fluid in the reservoir with the pump running. There was just a gentle motion of fluid, not turbulent or "boiling" looking at all.
The pump is one speed so it is not variable. If I were to imagine on a boat in the coolant, the boat will be rocking and it will make me dizzy and probably throw up. It won't be like a storm or tsunami.
Question If you have bad inverter. You have replaced one inverter pump and have a still had bad inverter. Now you replace inverter should you also possibly replace inverter pump again???
Well, you need to decide whether the inverter pump is functioning or not. Here are the indications that the pump is working: 1) Make the car IG-ON (where instrument panel warning lights are on). Does the pump sound like an aquarium pump, without air bubbles? If yes, that is good. 2) Look at the inverter coolant reservoir. Do you see fluid turbulence within when the pump is running? If yes, that is good. If the inverter pump is running, then there's no need to replace it.
Thanks Patrick, I followed your steps I found in another post to somebody. Seemed like the pump was running ok, but no matter now I traded it in on a 2010.
Please help me out i have a prius 2004 in which runs good no problem on it, recently around 3 months i replace the P0A93 code the inverter pump the electric one in the fender with a new dealer one and 6 months earlier i replace the other pump down the fuse box the car. my car runs well but after all day using it long tris around town the vsc lights and red triangle lights up, i scan the car and no codes on it, then next day still the same and after driving it a little lights get off if i drive the car in short trips no problem but then after driving long ones lights come on again, then also get the car scan and the code P0A93 return but the part already replace recently, also i try to purge the system but the same problem can someone help me out on getting this solve????