From what I've read, Hurricane Harvey has damaged over 500,000 automobiles. I am one of the few that lost my 2012 Prius Gen 4. It was my first Prius and only had it for a year. I bought it in August 2016 with around 25,000 miles on it and it flooded August 2017 with around 43,000 miles on it. It was practically brand new. Here are a few images. My car had at the most maybe 1.5 feet of water in it. Oh, and my parents lost their Prius also. Who else lost their Prius? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Horribly sorry for the loss - as well as for the dozens of families that lost members / loved ones. Got a feeling there'll be a TON of spare parts available for many a hybrid / plugin w/in the next few months. That said, i recall a Nissan Leaf video (released around end/beginning of 2010/2011) that showd a Leaf traversing water nearly 2' deep. Hard to reconcile how so many hybrid/plugins were written off, considering that. (see the 37½ minute mark) .
I lost mine. This is my second Prius loss in two years! I begged my husband for years to buy me a Prius. I finally convinced him in 2015. I got a dark grey Prius IV and I loved it. In 2016 we had the worst hail storm ever with softball size hail. It broke all the windows and totaled my less than 1 year old car! SO I upgraded to the 2016 Prius IV (white) and I loved it too! We drove to Galveston for a cruise August 19-26 and while we were on the cruise my less than 1 year old Prius was flooded. Someone said maybe that is a sign, I told them it was a sign that God wanted me to have the new 2017 Prius Prime!
This guy was probably OK... (I like humour in sad situations) Good luck with the recovery, sorry about the car. At least with it declared a total loss, you can just shop and buy a new one and not have to deal with getting it repaired in shops that are probably going to be completely overloaded.
I happened to be on Car & Driver website and couldn't help but notice the pictures of flooded cars they were showing, with a Prius almost in the center of the mess. Scammers Take Advantage of Cars Flooded by Texas Hurricane | News | Car and Driver | Car and Driver Blog .