I'm considering buying a 2013 v wagon Five with the Tech Package. Used 2013 Toyota Prius v: True Cost to Own | Edmunds According to Edmunds True Cost to Own, across a 5 year span, a 2013 Prius v wagon accrued $4,491 in maintenance expenses, and $2,500 in repair expenses, for a combined monthly average breakdown of about $116.52. Is this a reasonable monthly average for owning a Prius v wagon for ~5 years? I have nothing else handy to compare it to. Thanks!
$4491? 15k x 5 = 75k miles, 7 oil changes. 2 were free from Toyota care. So pay for 5. Excluding the tire rotations, the oil changes should be $900 each with those numbers
I have a 2013 that I bought in 2012. I'd say those numbers seem fair. I haven't had to replace anything yet but I expect to buy tires and pads this year, and a 12v battery next year. If you find one on new rubber with pads and fluids I would expect your planned maintenance bill to be less then that. Otherwise that's probably accurate. It's a little more than I paid but the car is no longer new. 900$ is not realistic if you plan on maintaining the vehicle in accordance with the Toyota's specifications.
This is why I find it strange that Edmunds projects that you would have spend $1,900 in maintenance and $746 in repairs over your first 2 years. How does that compare to your ownership experience over the first two years? I'm guessing that you're closing in on 3 years. Your projected tires and pads will cost money, but each of your following years also have maintenance and repair costs projected.
I have a 2012 v with 107,000 miles on it. OK, firstly, I drove 30,000 miles a year so I was doubling the 'average' cost of M&R. I have been retired a year. Secondly, all service is at my local Toyota Dealer so I am paying the very most. Every 5,000 miles $13 to rotate tires Every 10,000 miles $57 to do an oil change At 30,000 and 90,000 I spent $110 to change ATF WS in transaxle (not in schedule) Every 30,000 miles they change two air filters, $35 At 55,000 miles I bought new tires, Energy Saver A/S for $450 (it is possible i will do that again this winter) At about 75,000 miles I spent $55 on Wiper blades. At 105,000 miles I bought a right headlight. $25 (I never turn mine off, so that is reasonable) Soon (15,000 miles) I will do a 120,000 service, no telling what that will cost.
I'm on year 5. The planned maintenance costs don't seem excessive for someone buying a used 2013 today and driving it for 5 years. The repair costs seem quite high considering the 10 year warranty on emission systems in California where the OP is from. I paid 0$ in corrective so far and quite a bit less in planned maintenance.
My '12 at 5+ years and 42k has needed wiper blades ($40) and a 12v battery ($200). I wanted a map update ($250). I added some accessories but those were optional and can't be considered either maintenance or repairs. At 30k I had it aligned. My buying deal included free oil changes every 10k for life. I pay $30 for the every 5k tire rotations. I also pay for oil changes on the 5k marks because I choose to. Strictly dealer service. My brake pads are probably good for at least another 60k miles and the only reason I'd replace the tires is age, they surely have 30k or more before they are at the legal limit. It occurs to me I probably ought to look at the air and cabin filters. Maybe change the trans fluids. I can't understand Edmonds figures based on my experience. I've never spent $1k in any year. And there are 2 other Prius in the family one with 150k and used 100 miles a day with no plans for retirement. Depreciation has been the big cost. Next insurance. Then personal choice accessories (leather seats, daylight running lights, rubber floor/cargo mats, blind spot mirrors). Last would be maintenance and repairs.
This is embarrassing....I misread the report and didn't realize it was talking about a 5 year old car. Sorry folks, my previous posts should be disregarded.
Thanks folks! Calculating the various costs mentioned in this thread, it appears that a maintenance and repair budget of about $51 to $60 per month should be sufficient.