1) Three weeks ago, our Camry just needed new struts: $1030.00 USD 2) Stumbled into the kitchen a couple of weeks ago -- cooktop is cracked no one knows how. $1,800. USD 3) Turned on the Microwave today, loud noise, no heat -- new Magnetron $135.00 USD. Hope that ends it. Can't afford any more "luck." does the whole three thing have a basis in some fact. Seems years ago, I was in a car accident -- minor -- and someone told me not to fix the damage, I would have more. Sure enough, within a few months had two more minor fender benders -- all the repair done at the same time saved me $$$. kris
I got a $64 Hamilton Beach microwave (from Walmart) 1.0 cu ft, 1100 watts, rotating plate, and that thing just won't die. I use it daily, for the past 7 or 8 years. (I was in Walmart the other day, and there it is, still 64 bucks! I'm going to pick up another one and store it for a spare.) Just drive it. (And just nuke it. )
my wife dropped a small bottle of cooktop cleaner on the edge of our electric cooktop. but the replacement was (only) $650. follow the rule of three, but don't know the origin. it's not biblical, although, jonah was in the body of the whale 3 days and 3 nights.
I'm not a numbers-mean-things kinda guy, but those who are seem to think that three signifies 'completeness." in the hundreds of times that it appears in the Bible, so the rule of threes is probably just social muscle memory. Our Jewish friends say the world stands on three things: Torah, Prayer, and acts of loving-kindness, while Islam has five 'pillars' (faith, prayer, charity, fasting, and the Haj) - so numbers are fairly intertwined into our social fabric....so much so that those who live where there are tall buildings EVEN TODAY will find that some floors are omitted or replaced with letters (4's in some parts of Asia and 13 in the West.)