The thing I'm looking at most though is if the consumption is growing that means the rings are wearing out faster. There are a lot of people with very high miles on the 2nd gens and I don't see that happening with a 3rd gen if it's rings are so bad it's sucking down a quart every 1000 miles...that's end of life territory there. i know all vehicles use some oil but gosh, I have a beater 02 Yukon with 250k miles that only consumes 1 quart in 3000 miles and it's on its deathbed lol. Now that I see Toyota suggested a 10k mile oil change it all makes sense. With oil that thin I really can't see how 10k is appropriate. My brother ran a oil change place and I know when people need to do something every 10k it's really 11 or 12 or 15k before they get around to it. Maybe I can find one from someone who changed oil every 5k or less and cross my fingers
there have been a number of blown head gaskets on 2010-11 as well. quite recently. i don't think there are any gen 2 oil consumption 'pile on' threads.
in all fairness, we don't know how any of these cars are treated. but when the numbers start to build up, questions arise.
Of course. Still these engines even if the gasket doesn't blow their pistons are still getting worn down at 100k, and EGR systems clogging. Probably the worst modern Jappenses engine I can think of. Don't get me wrong, I adore Prii have for years, owned 4 got friend and family to look into them, drive them buy them. Everything about this car is fantastic but this silly engine. Very disappointed in this engine. I think Toyota really messed up here. Praying the gen 4 are much better in the long run.
Well sisters 2010 needed a engine replacement, my V has started using oil under my OCD ownership, and my engine is rattling under low RPM and at some start up, I think due to clogged EGR
At 145,000 mine gen 2010 gen iii had to have the erg replaced. I was burning about a quart every 1000 miles. The intake manifold was clogged with buildup and fouled one of the plugs. So I had to have the manifold replaced. While they were in there I had the PCV valve and the spark plugs replaced. I kept the old manifold ( I like to tinker) and looked it over. After looking at the old manifold it occurred to me that perhaps during high revs that the PCV was letting goodly amounts of oil into the intake. This oil is then mixing with the carbon from the ERG and clogging the intake manifold - fouling the plug- causing the engine to work harder making higher revs and the process is compounded. I bought a new PCV hose and put it on the throttle body but plugged it so it would not throw a code. This was 10000 miles ago. I have changed the oil twice since then and am happy to report that I am no longer burning oil. Additionally at 5000 miles the oil is only slightly darker. I did not plug the hose from the PCV valve but just left it open. I do not have any oil coming out of the engine through that tube. I think that the vacuum from the throttle body actually was drawing oil out of the engin and into the intake. Whatever the true cause I'm no longer burning oil!!!
Very very interesting! If this is really a genuine fix.. This could be a total breakthrough for the Prius community.
I'm in agreement with you, though the EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation is the beast of whom you speak. iPhone ?
They both dump into intake manifold. An Oil Catch Can is one remedy for PCV fouling of the intake manifold. Couple that with a stem-to-stern EGR cleanup and clean the intake manifold and intake ports, and you should be back to like new performance. Until the EGR clogs again.
What ever Jeff did, I'd be willing to bet many Prius owners would be willing to try (including myself) we are all getting desperate at this point. Ive know for a while that the PCV system was poorly defined on the 1.8 by being to low on the engine I believe.
They seem to at least have been trying: the PCV valve inlet is after a few baffles, and with what appears to be a drain-back route to the crank case, at the bottom. Guess it's just not effective enough, often enough? Was it you that posted the picture, with that little panel unbolted and removed, showing the inner workings? Someone here at PriusChat posted a pic of it.