After a quick search for similar problems in the forum and finding no similar issues... I'm worried. When I lock the car with the FOB, the door handle, or pressing the lock button on the driver door- the rear doors will not lock. Any input would be appreciated.
Check the child locks within the door. If you had your car recently detailed or cleaned at a carwash, they are notorious for accidently sliding the child lock buttons into position.
UPDATE: So i followed your advice and verified. BOTH child locks were OFF. However I toggled each. NOW the back-right DOES lock and the back-right still will not lock no matter the child-lock position... Already sounds expensive.
How deep your wallet is?????? Look further into the problem, what did it changed before this started?
I bought it used a week ago so I am discovering some of the not-so-obvious imperfections as I go. With that being said, I have not changed anything to have it suddenly stop working as usual, this was the way I inherited it.
If you do an online search you will see that this is becoming a popular problem. There is a motor in the door actuator module. They will fail completely or start intermittently. My front door was intermittent until it failed to lock. I ordered a pair of the motors for $12 and will follow the DIY. Dealer wanted $375 each. This is on my Prius 2012 III
I replaced both rear doors and the front passenger door yesterday. All done in 2hours. I couldn't be happier w/my recently purchased 2010 Prius with 64K miles. Now all the doors lock and unlock! I bought all three actuators on Ebay from a reputable rebuilder. All three for $275 delivered. Followed the online instructions and knocked it out. So much cheaper than the mechanic charging $500 per door.