The dealer put their name, etc. on the left rear area of the the car, right under the Prius Prime badge. Meet the 2017 Toyota Prius Prime in its West Coast debut | PCWorld It looks like they may have had a minimum wager use a stencil and paint to put their dealership name information on my car. I did not want them to do that! They did not pay me anything to advertise for them. Any idea how to get this off, without destroying magnetic grey underlying paint? They also gifted me a license plate frame with their name on it as well. That, my friend Cersei Lannister can help me with....
It is probably a decal. See if you can feel the edge. Of course you could take the car back to the dealer and insist they remove it. That's what I would do. The license plate frames given to went straight in the trash. As do all of the mailers for stealership service.
I picked mine up from the dealership so quick after it came in that they did not have time to add their name to the car.
Take the frame off, turn it around backwards and put it BEHIND the plate. That will stiffen the plate, making it less likely to rattle and will probably give you a nice border around the plate too.
It is likely a decal like that used for pinstriping. There is a 3M buffer head designed for removing it, but I always just used my finger nail.
You can request ahead of time that they not put a decal on. Of course they may forget and do it anyway, in which case you can ask them to remove it, or as others have said it's pretty easy to remove it yourself, especially since it was recently applied. I think it would be harder to remove say two years later.
If it is a decal, which it almost certainly is, use a hair dryer on hot to soften the letters. Once they are soft, peel them off with your finger nail, then wipe the remaining glue residue off with alcohol or bug and tar remover. You can do it faster yourself than taking it to the dealer and asking them to do it.
You were correct. Took my fingernails and removed the dealer's sticker logo, then used a mixture of windex and WD-40 to take off the adhesive. Looks much better.
I did the same thing (used a blow dryer to make the sticker easier to remove). If you look really hard, you can still see a bit of glue where the stickers were so I am going to spend a bit more time cleaning it with WD-40 and hot water to see if I can get it all off.
My car had logo of different dealer when I test driving it. After closing a deal two hour later, they detailed the car. The logo from the different dealer was removed and they replaced it with their own logo. It was just a sticker and came right off without any cleaning. If any residue is left, something like this would help. Car Label & Sticker Remover - Turtle Wax