I have a 2013 Persona with 105K miles on it since I used to commute 100 miles a day for work, thank God not anymore.. I looked at a Prius Prime Advanced yesterday on Long Island, and I'm almost considering it but had a few questions. The sticker was $34,318. They offered me $6K for my Persona, $3500 "discount", $1100 "New York State discount", and when all is said and done with my trade-in the final price would be $30,149. This seems a bit higher than I see others paying on Long Island, am I right? Also, he said there is a federal "writeoff" of $4500. I asked him if this is an actual $4500 rebate, or just a write-off against my adjusted income and he didn't really seem to know the answer. Anyone here know? Also, I noticed the sound system doesn't sound anywhere near as good as the one in my Persona. The persona sounds like it either has a subwoofer built in, or just really great rear speakers that provide some nice bass. I also usually swap out the radio, even if it has Entune, with my own Pioneer aftermarket since I have lifetime XM on it.. but it looks like there is no way that's happening with the Prime. Not a dealbreaker since I don't listen to MX much these days and stream my music.. but.. I really wish the sound system sounded better. Is $30,149 a good price with a $6K trade-in on the persona? Doesn't seem like it.
The $4,500 is a federal tax credit to the first listed owner on the title for the tax year in which the car is purchased. If you lease, the lessor gets it. You need to have a federal tax liability of at least that amount to get a credit. The list of cars which qualify for the credit is at FuelEconomy.gov. You file IRS form 8936. Just google how does electric car credit work and you will see a lot of resources.
The stereo in my Prius Prime Premium is just horrendous. I also have a 2005 Prius with JBL system which is fantastic. I thought that the Advanced might have come with an upgraded stereo but it looks to be the same across all models.
The numbers don't add up. $6000+$3500+$1100 is $10,600. $34,318-$10,600 is $23,718. Does New York charge you $6349 for tax and license on this car? Also, do an internet check of what your Persona is selling for. You should be able to get between $9K and $10K for it in a private sale if it is in decent shape. One other thing. In my state, if I buy a new car for $30K and trade in a $10K car, I only pay sales tax on the difference of $20K. Not sure if that is the same in other states, though.
^^^agree^^^ you need a complete breakdown of the numbers. also, if you don't mind traveling a bit, you can save another thousand or two.
The audio system in my Prime Advanced is actually quite good, but it's way out-of-balance from the factory (all mid-range, no highs, no lows). Playing through Bluetooth using the equalizer on my phone is actually quite decent, and the deep bass (which is my thing - I spent 14 years shopping for a subwoofer for home) easily blurs the hell out of my view through the center rear view mirror with only a hint of boominess.
While I don't buy cars for the sound system.. I am quite pleased with the sound system in the Prime Premium... Especially on bluetooth stereo.. makes my music sound great, sounding much better than my 07 Prius did over the aux cable. But I have old ears so maybe i'm not receiving the frequencies that would make it sound horrendous.. (biological equalization?)
The JBL system is OK, not great. Sound quality is better from a memory stick or cord to the cell phone than via Bluetooth. Always check every number given by a car dealer. Some are so sleazy that their addition isn't even right. It must be magic...the error is always in their favor. Also look for any costs on the contract that should not be there. That's another common way to cheat a customer. I've had them scratch off a tax the business pays, a gap insurance charge that was not needed, a few other things. They even jack up and print the car's purchase price above what you've already negotiated. Really, really nice subs from Rhythmik Audio, direct servo controlled speakers. "A sensing coil provides immediate feedback to ensure the cone precisely follows the input signal. The result is very tight, accurate and dynamic bass." Rythmik Audio • Direct Servo subwoofer products
Price is too high. Get a price on the Prime without the trade then look at KBB.com to get a value for your Personna. You should e able to get the Prime Advanced for about $30K or very slightly above then get your trade off of that price. Forget about changing out the radio use the Entune and enjoy.