Announcing the First Annual Prius Owner's Picnic! We Prius owner's have so much fun talking and joking whenever we meet at gas stations, let's extend that happiness with a picnic! No ticket or RSVP required. Food, soda, and ice cream available. Fun, laughter and good conversation. Free raffle prizes! Sponsored by a fellow Prius owner. This awesome event will be held on Sunday August 27th, 2017 from noon to 3pm in Waukesha WI at John's Drive-In Rootbeer Stand (1317 Arcadian avenue). Our patronage will also be helping an historic establishment, John's Drive-In Rootbeer, during a huge slowdown due to road construction in front. Sorry, no pets allowed on the premises. Invite your friends who drive a Prius! Get your questions answered by other Prius owners. Hear some good stories, win a prize, and of course compare fuel MPG! Come on out.....because it's not going to cost you much to drive to Waukesha in your Prius!
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Dan, Unfortunately I was out of town when you posted and during your event. Looks like you had a great time. I have run the Madison Hybrid Group in Madison since 2004. Please drop me a line if there are future events. Also there is a club that supports hybrid owners in the Milwaukee as well. I'm sure they might be interested in Prius get togethers as well. My email is [email protected] and phone is 608-729-4082.
Does Madison have an annual meet? It was so easy to hold it at a rootbeer stand with food and picnic tables. No catering or potluck needed. I dont know Madison very well. Does Madison have any places like that? Dan, 3rd gen from the sun
Hi Dan, Paul here from WI - I got your flyer, and had intended to be at the Picnic, but didn't make it. Glad it was a success. Please post here if you hold one again next summer, I'll be there! -Paul 3rd Gen, Blizzard Pearl