when i turn off the car, some time it pop up below error message with beep. If any one know what is it please help me to solve it. My Car 2 by Tharindunn posted Sep 1, 2017 at 8:28 PM My Car by Tharindunn posted Sep 1, 2017 at 8:28 PM Thank you. Kind regards
I have the same thing happening to me, except that it is in English. It should be something like "Low remote battery", don't remember the exact wording but replace the key fob battery should take care of this.
The message is キーバッテリー残りわずか, which Toyota translates as KEY BATTERY LOW. If you see other messages in Japanese, you can try using the Google Translate app on a smartphone, which has an image translation feature. This also works reasonably well for things like product instructions.
Ha! i just used my android with a pic off the screen, and it said "Key battery remaining a little" Great