About a month ago, i changed Tyne 12v battery in my 2013 prius. I bought the yellowtop battery that seems highly recommended here. Everything seemed to go well other than having to reset the driver window. Anyway, my wife just told me that a couple of times she's had to turn the key a couple of times to get the car to start and that the clock had changed time and the display screen is different.. we normally keep it on drive info but when the car starts its comes up showing energy distribution screen. Ah thoughts?
Not by everybody it isn't. They have had "infant mortality" problems occasionally. Did you fully charge it BEFORE installing it ?? Do you own a multi-meter so you can check the voltage ?
Charge before installing? Never heard of such. I have a multimeter, how do i check it? I know where but do i check it running, not running, cold, warm, what?
Was there an instruction sheet with the battery ?? If so, it probably said to charge it. If you added the acid and then sealed it, you DEFINITELY needed to charge it. With everything OFF.....including any automatic lights and such......the battery itself should read 12.6 to 12.9 volts. That is it's nominal no load voltage. If there really is no load and it reads below 12.6, something is not right. Either it just needs to be charged OR you have an initially bad battery OR the inverter charging system is not working. With the car in the ready/ON/running mode, you should measure at least 13.4 at the battery and maybe up to 14.5.
Normally, i would have already checked that but it's such a pain to get to battery. I will check that this weekend. When i cut the car off last night and once today, i noticed that i didn't get the "See you" screen. I cut the car back on and the clock had reset to 1:00. It seems its not shutting down properly???
Sorry if this is a repeat: DO-IT-YOURSELF TEST PROCEDURE (thanks to jdenenberg): - Without brake pedal, press the Power button once and release to enter ACC mode - Press and hold the MFD Info button, then turn the lights on and off three times to enter Maintenance mode; release Info button - Press “Menu” (on screen) - Press “Display Check” - Press “Vehicle Signal Check” - the battery voltage is shown and should be about 12.4 to 12.8 Volts (normal for an unloaded battery) - Again without brake pedal, press Power button and release to put a current load on the battery - the voltage should stay above 12.0V (if less than 12.0V the battery is not well, or there is a fault or unusual load somewhere) - Press brake pedal and press Power button once to enter "Ready" mode - the battery is now charging at about 14V (if less than 13.6V or more than 14.4 there may be a problem with the charging circuit) - Turn car OFF to leave Maintenance mode - hope this helps - Wil
Not exactly. It seems that when the inverter stops supplying 12 V power.......it ALL goes away. That is, no battery power available for whatever reason.
All you NEED is a $10 multi-meter. Anything beyond a simple voltage check is best done by a qualified shop........for most people.