I have one too! I got one for each of the Prius I own now/before.... And they are same color as my Prius....
Oh that store is called "Tokyo papa" in first floor near the corner and my gen 4 tomica was from them. It's around $11.30 with tax. There is another store on second floor but not sure do they have it or not.
Nice! The only place that I know that sells Tomica cars are selling them for $30. Amazon.com is cheaper (even with exchange rate). I was just in Toronto a few months ago.
man u have everything. can the tomica priuses fit in the trunk of the giant prius? ( instead of nemo car..lol)
I don't think it will fit as the tomica gen 3 prius is 1/3 larger than the nemo tomica. Didn't have a chance to try it out yet as my 1/18 gen 3 prius still in packing box since I recently moved.
Lovely - I'm just waiting for TOYOTA to sell the actual car in that colour here in Australia (Japan only I believe).
hmm come to think of it toyota doesn’t sell them here either! it’s the independent dealers who buy them from japan (online- no kidding there’s co.jp websites for this) and ship them over and sell them to us cheaper than toyota’s authorized dealer. the only drawback is the authorized toyota service center won’t service or warranty your car, you have to get alternatives
oh and btw the fluorescent green looks sexy and fast in the showroom but out on the regular roads turns out it’s actually quite ugly imho. a cryin shame