How to tell when your K&N Filter is dirty...

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by c4, Jul 8, 2006.

  1. c4

    c4 Active Member

    Mar 29, 2005
    Easy- you get a check engine light and a P0171 code, but if you had a Miniscanner or a Canview, you could catch the condition much earlier by watching the O2 Fuel Trim..

    That code actually means that the engine is running too rich (too much fuel, not enough air)..

    This past winter has been fairly dry, and when the snow melted, we got a fair stretch of really dusty days, and I'd normally have swapped back to a regular Toyota filter by now, but we've had a rather wet spring and summer, which is where the oiled media excels, so I left the K&N in (just until the next oil change I kept telling myself- of course, I'm on synthetic oil and am running extended drain intervals, so...)

    I did take it out at a few points along the way, and there wasn't much visible debris on the filter and it still looked red with oil, so I never gave it much thought and just put it back in.. Then I got a check engine light as I was accelerating onto the highway yesterday.. I quckly pulled over and pulled the code and it was the P0171 mentioned above.. The car didn't seem to run any different, and there were no other codes, so I went on my way and kept an eye on the various engine parameters and noticed that the O2 Fuel Trim was continually on the positive side instead of the usual +/- fluctuations, especially when accelerating, it would go as high as 25%, indicating a severe lack of air.. So I drop by the dealer and pick up a new filter and dropped it in and immediately, the fuel trim numbers came back to the normal..

    I cleaned the K&N when I got home, but it really wasn't that dirty, but obviously it had trapped enough fine dust that it was doing a good job of restricting air flow, which does jive with that air filter report available on Bob is the Oil Guy where they show that the K&N has the highest initial air flow, but also tends to cause high restriction when only a moderate amount of dust is collected.. Based on this experience, I'm definitely going to be watching the Fuel Trim numbers more closely and inspecting and cleaning the filter more often, but if it happens again, I may just swear off the K&N altogether..
  2. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    how many Km's since you had cleaned and oiled it last? lots, some, hardly any?
  3. mssmith95

    mssmith95 Michael

    Feb 1, 2006
    Valencia, CA
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    I do seem to remember that K&N actually says that you will not obtain the highest performance until the cleaner gets a little dirty...having too much flow can also hurt...but you are right about the restriction thing.

    How have your MPG numbers been...any noticable change when it starts to restrict?

    Do the k&n's still require oil with each cleaning...and if so does the amount of applied oil effect how fast/how much debris is collected?
  4. c4

    c4 Active Member

    Mar 29, 2005
    Bestas I can tell, I've put on about 9000 km since the last cleaning, but the point is that visual inspection of this kind of filter is simply not enough- as I said, I had checked it visually a number of times, including holding it up to the sun and it didn't look black/dirty and there wasn't any large debris on the filter, yet it had obviously oaught enough comtamination that the engine management system noticed the constriction it was causing, and thus, by watching the O2 Fuel Trim numbers, you can actually get an idea of whether your air filter (whether K&N or not) is perhaps becoming a bit restrictive..

    As for MPG number, no really significant change, but if I had to say one directio or another, I'd say that the fuel economy has been better of late (which makes sense if the engine management was constantly reducing the amount of fuel metered to compensate for lack of oxygen..)

    K&Ns do require re-oiling (the cleaning procedure involves spraying the whole thing with a cleaner (the instructions also say that any dish detergent is also usable), then rinsing it clean under the tap, which removes all the old oil and any collected dust, so quite obviously, you have to add fresh oil afterwards).. Adding a huge quantity of oil does not make the filter work any better (in fact it can make things worse as excess oil in the media can restrict air flow (anyone who has one of those bagless vacuums with washable filters knows just how much restriction a bit of moisture in the filter can cause if they've ever washed a filter and then got impatient waiting for it to dry and tried putting the filter back in when even slightly damp- the vacuum darne near keels over and dies because the surface tension of the moisture in the filter forms a nearly perfect barrier across all the little pores of the filter.. Addiditionally, too much oil is a very bad thing because small oil droplets can be pulled through with the air and contaminate the air flow sensor
  5. tnthub

    tnthub Member

    Jun 12, 2006
    Brunswick, Maine
    2007 Prius
    I have been using K&N filters for many years. Visual inspection is not accurate. For my regular cars which are only on regular roads I clean the filters every April, every July, and every October. They are always dirty whether they look it or not.

    I have been using Dr. Brinners liquid peppermint soap the past couple of years with no ill effects.

    What you need to know is no pressure cleaning, or you will disturb the delicate filter weavings.
    Dry completely.

    I have my original oil can from about six-seven years ago that I still use on all of my vehicles.
    The amount of oil is really just a mist. If too much oil is used it will coat sensors and create problems for new cars. You do not need very much oil.

    If I drive on a bunch of dirt road I will clean the filter afterward.
  6. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    wow only 9000 km's! at 18000 my origional was still toggling +- on the fuel trim on the miniscanner. I changed it anyway as it was starting to look dirty. 9000km is only 5500 miles, not very far to have it set the MIL because it was restricting the flow.