Ran car out of gas. Towed home and filled gas tank. Car wouldn't start so disconnected battery. Would start then run rough and die. Husband disconnected battery again. Is idling fine and will drive up and down street a couple times then start running rough and die. Any ideas on what to check next? Could it be my fuel pump? Friend has a reader that gave p3193.
I'm surprised 10 guys haven't jumped in here, and asked: why did you let your tank get so low! . I top off my tank every other week, that way I am always good to go for whatever may come up. I don't play those mpg games. I just drive it.
Miles per gallon, miles per tank, I really don't care about either one. I'd rather play checkers. Or scrabble. Or monopoly. Just Fuel 'em up!
P3193 just tells you you ran out of gas. There may be other codes your friend's reader is not capable of reading. Disconnecting the 12 V battery will have cleared this code. Are there still lights on? If so, there are other codes to read, so you need a more capable code reader to read them. The Prius has 11 or more ECUs that can set codes and you need a scanner that can read all of the ECUs.
I have two guesses: Perhaps there's air in your fuel lines and it will take a few miles to push it all out. OR ... are you sure there wasn't any water in your gas can and that the gas was fresh? If that's the case, it needs some fresh gas. The decision is whether to just add 3-4 gallons to dilute it a little but get it out of there asap or fill it up and dilute it as much as possible.
Or just some "sitting" time. And you indicated that you FILLED the tank at home. How did you do that exactly ? Most people don't have that much spare gas just sitting around.
It did say that in the OP. I was kind of assuming it was shorthand for put some gas in the tank, but I guess we'll wait and see if I assumed wrong. If they are on a farm, they may have filled at home.
I'd think that anyone who mows their own yard rather than pay someone to do it and then pay for a gym membership would have a gas can at home. Except me. My mower is electric because I have wonderfully small yard.
wow, i thought i read the o/p clearly. missed the ruining rough the second time after the running fine.
Any car that runs out of gas and when trying to start it on an empty tank, it sucks air into the fuel pumps and fries the barrings which are normally lubricated by the gas. That would be my guess.
How well does your guess line up with the actual first hand experience of members here on this forum? Note that one member here intentionally ran his cars out of gas more than 50 times, for various engineering curiosity tests.