Hello! Obvious newbie here! I'm looking for a car for my daughter and she likes a used Prius and we are excited to get great gas mileage. My issue is Im not sure if I can really get a good one because they seem to hold value real good. I need to stay under $8k and really started out looking more like 6k. I have found a few but not sure which to go with. They are all between 2007 - 2010 and have between 105-165k miles. I really want to get a good one that shouldn't have a issue going another 100k. Are any of the models between 07 and 10 have more issues? I found a 2007 with 100k miles and also a 2010 with 165k and they both were about $8k asking price. The cheapest one I've found was a 09 with 150k for $5500 but it's pretty stripped down with cloth, basic stereo, no Bluetooth but in pretty decent shape. But I really didn't want miles that high, it just seems like most of them have high miles. I also found a 2010 with 125k miles BUT it's a bit over the budget so I'd just see if I can get them down enough. My main concern is if I should pick a certain year over another or just straight up overlook that since they are all so similar and just go after less miles. ALSO, the 2010 looks a little sharper than the 07-09 models, I'm always leery of getting the first year when a new model comes out, should I be concerned about the 2010? Thanks so much! I may be a regular pretty soon! Stephen
My experience. I've only been a Prius owner for 1 month. I bought it brand new. I've met a few other owners. These things do not get driven hard. I'm so careful with this thing and eveone I talk to says the same thing. I feel that it's my challenge to drive this thing as efficiently as possible every darn time. I bet Prius cars will go 500,000 no prob. Of course some small mechanical things will arise. Beyond normal wear and tear, I'd consider price, year, and options over mileage. Just my two cents. I'd be more interested in knowing # of owners, type of miles driven, and warranty information. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
avoid '07, a lot of problems starting to crop up. '08 and 9 are good, but '08 will be next by default. if you want something with 100,000 trouble free miles, buy something with 50,000 on it. you may want to look at a small gasser for comparison. the price difference may be more savings than gas cost.