I have been driving 100 mile round trips to Lincoln all week because my dad is in the hospital. So I ended up having to stop on the way home and purchase gas. I sat at the pump texting my brother about what the doctor had told me when a guy tapped on the window and asked if I needed help on how to fill up a car with gas. I laughed and told him it was a rare experience for me. He wanted to see the car inside and out. He was very impressed. Made me feel good and he was the 1st person to show a real interest in the car. Side note: I filled up with the $2.40 gas instead of the $2.15 because I was talking to him and did not notice I was using the non ethanol gas. Maybe I do need help filling up with gas.
New experience for my Prime today. Took it back to the dealership for its 1st check up (5000 mile). I dropped it off but did so outside the garage door. Lots of cars waiting for service. Later one of the mechanics got in and drove it inside. I watched from the show room. The guy got out and did a walk around. He noticed the Optimus Prime transformer emblem on the back and called several other mechanics over to look at it. Later, when done with servicing, the guy checking me out said his mechanics had enjoyed seeing and working on my car. I guess mine is still the only one this dealership has sold and services. It was a hit in the back room. I told the guy who sold me the car how great it is and what great mileage I am getting. I am still amazed at how little this car is promoted. (on a side note...spent hours on I29 yesterday with eclipse people. Both lanes full going and returning home. Still no Prime in the wild sightings.)
I hope you dad is better soon. I'm in the same boat. My dad is 94 and an hour away. I'm back and forth a lot in my GEN 3. Wish I was doing it in the Prime. I spoke to the dealership GM this morning and he estimates 50 Primes "total" sold in OK. I asked how well the techs were gong to be trained on these and he said that is a real issue for dealers in these low volume areas of the country.
Just keep an eye on things and document service calls. I copied off the page on how to reset the "It's time for service" notice thinking it would help them. They did not need it. Must be the OCD in me.
My only public experience is stopping to pick up coffee at a Tim Horton's drivethrough. a young lady working there says "i like the color of your car" out the driveup window. Its electric blue and there just arent any other cars with that color around here. In fact ive seen no other primes on the road here.
My doctor said to my wife yesterday, "Is that your Cadillac in the parking lot?". "No", she said. "I have a new Prius Prime". The doctor said, "I SAW THAT. That little red Prime is Really nice!".
Everyone at my office couldn't believe that was a Prius. On the roads I do see others looking at it, especially Gen 2 & 3 Prius owners. A week in and loving my Prime.
Again i got great compliments over the unusual blue color this time at McDonalds drive up window. she said its a happy color!
I was eating at a Chili’s the other day while my Prime was charging up at one of their chargers and I was sitting at a window where I could see my new shiny new car. It is still shining from the initial delivery from the dealership. I watched 4 different sets of people take pictures of it with their cell phone over the course of an hour. Fun!