Im looking at a 2011 with 118k miles and I was looking at the Toyota records and found this... E0E-REFLASH MOTOR GENERATOR & PO WERMANAGEMENT ECU-PRIUS ~|~E0E ~|~118075 COMPLETED E0E-REFLA SH MOTORGENERATOR & POWER MANAGE MENT ECU- PRIUS It was covering by warranty a couple months ago at 118,075 miles so I'm guessing a recall of some kind? It was done on the same day as a recall for some brackets. Thanks! Stephen
The vehicle sat for a few months without starting. So the motor-generator had to be re-flashed. No big deal. It just means the vehicle sat for a while.
Wasn't there some kind of service bulletin or maybe even a recall that required the computer to be reflashed and then they gave you a sticker to put in the door jam saying you could carry 5lb.or so less weight? It was a long time ago and don't remember the details, think it had something to do with diodes overheating in something LOL.
There was a recall to update the software, to slow response time under hard acceleration. The problem was soldered joints in the inverter were heating too much, sometimes failing. If that's what that reflash was (I can check my paperwork later), it's a little concerning that it was left so late. That recall came out in what 2011~2012? The car would have been running over 100K miles with the more aggressive software. It could also be a sign of general neglect?
Or a sign of the owner not believing the problem is significant. My 2010 still has all the original software. Stephen J, I believe the warranty against specific failure codes regarding the IPM is 15 years from the original in service date, unlimited miles. Dealers are required to perform outstanding recalls before the used car is sold. If you buy the car I suggest searching for and printing out the E0E letter and keeping it in the glove box as it may facilitate a warranty repair later.
Yes now I remember. I never got it done to my 2010 because all was fine and I hardly ever accelerated so rapidly anyway and since it was getting great mpg's I didn't want anybody touching the computer needlessly.
Stephenj, when I was shopping for a preowned Prius, I called Toyota's customer service when I had questions about a specific vehicle. They're very good, from my experience. With a VIN number and an explanation that you are thinking of buying the vehicle, they will be able to verify the IPM warranty- and other questions. In fact, after reading this thread, I just called to double check that my software was updated by the previous owner. Here's the contact info, if you're interested: Phone: 800-331-4331 Fax: 310-468-7814 M-F 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. CT Sat. 7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. CT
My recall letter (Canadian, so might be different number) for the inverter protection reflash is: March 2014 SOSH-230-1A I got the update done ASAP, and the only difference I noted after was that the car was slightly more willing to slip into electric-only mode, say when you lift your foot off the gas. I saw no reason to not get it done, still feel that way.