Recently I've been wanting to know more info than the MFD tells me by default. I've been reading that alot of people think it's because Toyota didn't want to overwhelm the average driver, but I'm an IT guy, I want to know more! Here are a few features I've thought of : 1. Trip MPG display - This could be displayed right above the total tank mpg on the consumption screen. It would allow you to track your total mpg on a specific trip. Have any of you ever wondered if one route to work was more efficient than another route? I certainly have. I realize you can accomplish the same thing with the 'tank mpg' field if you give up its use as the overall tank mpg display (I'm refering to the mpg display that everyone uses to do per tank calculations, to the left of the 'Reset' button). 2. Exact MPG readings every 5 minutes - yes the 5 minute bars do give you an idea of how well you are doing over a 5 minute period, but its a damn bar graph!! Why not display a precise number in the actual bar? So the question is does anyone know of Toyota accepting feedback for MFD improvements? To me it doesn't seem like this would be too hard to do. The data is already there, the main structure of the code is in place (anyone know what it's written in? Is it some proprietary language specific to the CAN?) so how hard would it be to update the UI a bit. I would think the software engineer at Toyota could have this done in a day. Secondly, Is this completely out of the question to expect a car manufacturer to do? I'm curious what everyone's opinions are. Maybe we could try and contact Toyota to see what they say? Isn't there an official Toyota rep on priuschat somewhere?
You're looking for something like this... Which is really a fantastic idea on BMW/Siemen's part... pity Toyota is a bit stuck in the past in that regard.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jonnycat26 @ Jul 7 2006, 01:40 PM) [snapback]282639[/snapback]</div> Yes, exactly!! Why didn't toyota pick up on this? I mean isn't the Prius supposed to 'light years' ahead of every other car? I think we should get alot of Prius owners together and demand software upgrades Who's with me!
We've had some discussion in the past that it would be cool if Toyota released a "Tech" package version of the Prius. Plug-in, extra battery capacity, CAN-View-like screen options, terrain mapping/anticipating some other adjustments for driving conditions available, EV button, etc. Doubt it'll ever happen there's just no upside for Toyota, but it would be a kick in the pants.
Most of my passengers see the energy/consumption screens interesting at first, and annoying later. For the mass market, I doubt the MFD will get more elaborate. It would be nice to have a backdoor tech menu or something like that, so only those who have an interest would view it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(puppetmasta @ Jul 7 2006, 02:48 PM) [snapback]282644[/snapback]</div> If you go here, you can read about all the technical details on the implementation and what it can do: When you read it, you really get an idea of how much potential the system has. For example, it would be easy compile a version of the bemused audio server and client, throw the client on your car, and then stream music from your cellphone into the car's stereo with minimal effort. If someone did that, and distributed the binaries, I'm sure it'd be a very popular application. You could even provide realtime traffic updates with minimal effort using a bluetooth cell phone. Or software that would fetch movie listings if you're on your way to a theater. And so on. The possiblities are endless. Even Hyundai has started to use this system, so it's just a matter of time before more people do as well.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(puppetmasta @ Jul 7 2006, 01:35 PM) [snapback]282636[/snapback]</div> It's written in Integrity OS, a C/C++ compiler and RTOS. Given that it was produced in Japan, and embedded C++ is big there, that's probably the language variation (basically C++ with some limitations for faster and more consistently timed operations). The processor, etc. is briefly mentioned here: We use Integrity at our company, a nice RTOS, I really like it. Someplace there should be a JTAG connector that we could plug into. But without an SDK or something, it would be impossible to make modifications. It's not like Java where you can download another application and run that on top of the already existing system, here you'd need to download an image that fits into the system or quite possibly entirely replaces it (depending if they use dynamic download or monolithic image setup). Which is fine for developers inside the company, but bad for hackers and people wanting to write their own apps to extend the system. The approach used by CANView and such is to tap into the network traffic, process it on another computer and display it in an entirely new format. No software in the car's computers is touched. Unfortunately it seems this doesn't exist for the 2006 yet, because the MFD moved to NTSC input? Doesn't seem to me that that would be a major hangup (decoding the CAN traffic is harder), maybe I'm missing something.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(nerfer @ Jul 7 2006, 03:45 PM) [snapback]282703[/snapback]</div> I agree it would be hard to extend functionality without an SDK. My question is with such advanced technology why not provide an SDK for others to latch onto? Hell I could just write a little app in Java that would hit the C++ based SDK. Then we could extend the base MFD and add minor changes/modifications. Seems like this would be fairly easy to do, just make all the SDK calls read only so you could only react and manipulate the data that is already there. How about a CANView type system that you can run your own Java apps on? THat would be sweet, just imagine programming your own car.... that would be heaven
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(nerfer @ Jul 7 2006, 01:45 PM) [snapback]282703[/snapback]</div> I think it moved from NTSC or RGB into something like firewire or DVI. As I recall it was a big, big change and the makers of CANview didn't see a way to migrate. Unless a miracle occurs the 2006 will never be supported.
I've got a 2006 and didn't understand Canview on that issue, either. I didn't find any email address on their website anywhere (maybe after you order something?). Had the feeling that the '06 display was now digital, so since almost everything in the computing world IS digital, I don't see the problem, but there is obviously much more to it than that. Their website says they're developing a '06 version that would use an aux screen mounted on the dash. :angry: It sure would be nice to use the existing display.
I agree -- the aux screen is a non-starter for me. I can't imagine who would junk up the dash with a second LCD screen for Pete's sake.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jbarnhart @ Jul 9 2006, 03:18 PM) [snapback]283438[/snapback]</div> Me. I have a 2005 so have no problem with the can view. But I'd much rather have it on a separate screen, so I could use the regular Toyota screens too. There's no such thing as too many instruments. We still don't have 1/10 what an airplane cockpit has. And especially people with nav should like the canview on a separate screen. But I already have that since I clutter my dash up with a Garmin. Then there's the units from Japan that are already separate screens, and Atilla's system, which have great displays impossible on the mfd. Aside from wanting data simultaneously, I'd like the stuff I watch most to be right beside the speedometer like in a regular car dash board, and not over to the right.
maybe I can clear things up. I gave up on an integrated display for the 2006 because of economics. To match Toyota's new digital protocol without access to their custom digital video chip is OK if you are making 10,000+ units a month like they are, but for a few dozen units a year for me its just out of the question. So what I have just sent off to the PCB plant for the 2006 is aimed purely at those who want to do a plug-in conversion for their 2006 and need a controller. For that they don't actually need to see a display during normal driving. The separate 7" VGA touch screen is there purely for a technician to attach temporarily during the set-up for whatever battery configuration is being used and then removed. I don't anticipate anyone actually mounting the LCD permanently, although if they did, it would function exactly the same as the 2004/2005 MFD does for CAN-view (but with 2 added composite video inputs). It also means the installation is far simpler because there is no longer a need for custom connectors to the MFD or NAV unit. But if you absolutely must have a CAN-view display in your 2006/7 then this will be the only way to go.
I don't get it. If there is no display, how does one see all the data CAN-view monitors? I know I'm missing something here, but what!?!?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bill-psi @ Jul 9 2006, 10:33 PM) [snapback]283690[/snapback]</div> Hi Bill, my CAN-view project started off as just my own interest in displaying all the interesting CAN data and the Prius MFD was the logical place to display it. It has turned out to be a very small enthusiast niche market, because the overwhelming majority of Prius owners have no interest in what goes on in their Prius, they just want to drive it like any other car. (Which is precisely what Toyota wants. A few EV mode enthusiasts here excepted!) Well, I got 'volunteered' into adding a relay option so that instead of just displaying what goes on, it can control the power flow of an added plug-in hybrid conversion during both EV mode below 32mph and ICE mode above 32mph and also do the EV mode entry automatically. So now the display function became secondary to the control function. It turns out to do this control, you don't actually need to see what is going on, it can just be another black box. So now the display function is relegated to something you can use just for setting up the system and then ignore. The primary function of the latest CAN-view is this control function and the fact that it can also display (on an added LCD) what 2004/5 Prius owners can see on their CAN-views is just incidental. I'm just facing up to the reality that there is little interest in CAN data displays. Doesn't mean I won't do any more for the present CAN-view, in fact I'm working on new code for existing customers to download that will plot MPG against miles instead of time. Just means I have to put effort into something that might get bought and in my opinion that is a controller for plug-in hybrid kit conversions. (Until Toyota eventually does it themselves in 2008) If I'd thought there were a few hundred 2006 owners who would buy a CAN-view, I might have decided to spend the time. But there aren't. As people have pointed out, if they really wanted to, Toyota could do a far better CAN-view type display included in their MFD at zero additional parts cost; they already have all the data signals there. I hope this answers your question
Thanks! But tell me more: it can control the power flow of an added plug-in hybrid conversion during both EV mode below 32mph and ICE mode above 32mph and also do the EV mode entry automatically. How? Whose? Etc.? Thanks! But tell me more: it can control the power flow of an added plug-in hybrid conversion during both EV mode below 32mph and ICE mode above 32mph and also do the EV mode entry automatically. How? Whose? Etc.?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eflier @ Jul 10 2006, 11:17 AM) [snapback]283860[/snapback]</div> So I can see CAN-view data on my 2006? But it requires an additional LCD monitor (is that included)? I might have to investigate this further, it looks interesting. I know I can search for it, but do you have a URL with the details? Thanks
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(nerfer @ Jul 10 2006, 10:03 AM) [snapback]283895[/snapback]</div> I still have to get the prototype PCBs back and debug them and new code, but expect to have something in 2 months, so if you really truly want to get CANview display then this is the only way, albeit not as convenient. When I have something I can definitely ship, I will put details on the web-site at that time. No, it will not include the LCD as it makes no sense to import them from the USA and then export them back again. You would just buy your own from (example) these people, currently they want US$215 for their 7" touch screen. I haven't settled on final pricing but it will definitely be cheaper than a V3 CAN-view (before the LCD is added that is) However, this is getting off the original topic of how Toyota could improve their MFD.