Ok... so I've had my Prime for a few days now and it is great... but I'm used to gliding my 07 Prius with ease.. With the Prime, both EV and HV mode, I can barely get it to glide for a second... Oh.. also I'm in ECO mode So on the 07, 37MPH was was a magic speed to pulse and glide around, just let up on the accelerator , and put back a bit of pressure and you glide. Can't seem to do it on the Prime.
Raised the same issue in this thread, with a good number of replies: Glide mode in Prime? | PriusChat
toyota learned from people on priuschat that gliding raised mpg's. so they built it into the car in gen 3 to get a better spa test score. in the 2018 camry, they built a true slide (neutral) into the car to get 50 mph epa. with every generation, hypermiling returns fewer dividends.
no. when i first got the car i trained my foot by watching the energy display... Anyways not sure how RPMs can help since your trying to coast with the ICE off.
it's a whole different ride. why compare apples and oranges? you want plug in? hatchback? 4 seater? limited trunk space? mpg's way beyond epa? or comfort, size, quietness, smoothness, spaciousness, close to epa mileage?
I could be mistaken, but I believe he could be asking about RPMs because there might be more RPMs on your Gen3 than you realize. The Gen2 could maintain a true ICE-off glide; the Gen3 made it nearly impossible.
I don't understand this thread. It's trivial to set torque to zero in the Prime using the HUD or MID display of power. Just control the bar to the zero line. What's the issue? It was harder in my 2004 because you had to guess where zero was.
By gliding, do you mean a zero electric power glide, or a maximum electric power (with no ICE power) glide? (And I'd argue that maximum electric power is still a glide... the point of pulse and glide is to keep the ICE at either its maximum efficiency (pulse) or not running at all. Using electric power extends the time that the ICE isn't running.)
i mean zero energy flow on the energy display. But after driving it for nine days i see i dont have to. The car gets phenominal MPG on its own For instance in a 3 mile run back from a store today in hv mode it got over 100 mpg. My fuel costs per mile is 2.7 cents based on its estimate of the gas i used and my tracking of the kwhs i put into it. my 07 prius at 45 mpg was costing 5.5 cents a mile
Yeah... I guess my numbers depend on my electric rate mostly... So it's going to be more expensive per mile for trips... but still less than an 07 Prius... and I was dumbfounded at 100mpg for a 3 mile trip in HV, since the 07 had bad performance on short trips. The other times I ran it HV mode I got 80mpg... (3 cents a mile.) But no... I don't believe cheap fuel is here to stay... when prices go up.. the spread in the comparison goes up.
OPEC and Russia are playing chicken with the rest of the oil producers. They are trying to reduce the supply glut on the market, and it is slowly going down, but this means more hardship at home in the short term. The others are able to keep increasing production, but at a cost. Total production is climbing for the US shale fields, but the amount per well is dropping.
Got it, you seem well-informed. What is your prediction for gas prices in the US for 2018? are we likely to stay around $2.50/gallon on average?
I just happened upon some articles that were outside the accepted "cheap oil is here to stay" story. I don't make such predictions, but it is taking longer to reduce the supply amount than the Saudi's hoped. I think it will take an outside disruption to lead to any major price increase at this point. The production numbers for oil fields and wells is publicly available here; U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). The low oil price is leading to the major oil companies to cut back on prospecting investment. This will be a factor in the future. While the oil companies are doing okay with the low oil price, the oil support industry might be feeling a squeeze.
If gas prices go up, we will see Prius become a bigger success. I sure hope for that, but I have been waiting all this year and nothing! I want to feel smug when my friends in SUVs start complaining about gas prices. Right now they are all smiling :-(
When the prices spiked after Katrina my friends were complaining they couldnt afford gas. one friend bought in to a multilevel marketing scam to sell gas powder to put in the tank to improve mpg. other friends bought from them. i just mentally divided the pump price in half compared to them and said hybrids dont need gas scams.