You asked for it, so here it is!! My lousy attempt at video recording the native Prime "Warble" and then the sound of my new "Presbyterian" Alert Beeper! Sit back and enjoy Dropbox - 20170816_Prime Noises.mp4 took the reverse back up beeper sound (that can be disabled to one beep) and installed it outside of the car, Toyota should be thrilled
No, no, no barnacle breath!! The obnoxious multi-beeping backup beeper was previously changed to single beep (inside car) by my friendly neighborhood Toyota mechanic. This new, owner controlled external beeper was installed by my tint, alarm, stereo shop. I now have the POWER!! Just watch those Presbyterians scatter!! .
Look like a happy, certainly colorful bunch!! My "samples" have a much more sinister, threatening look to them. I have to keep my distance for fear of attack!!Har, har! .
I think you got your prio well ... it sure is loud enough ... and certainly sounds from a much bigger car, or truck ...
Mr. Mhye, I was charged $230 for all windows (no front windshield), medium tint, lifetime warranty. It took about 2 1/2 hours. Beeper is $200 installed including all parts; switch is on/off, NOT toggle, and discretely located under the bottom edge, slightly off-center below the big screen in my Advanced. I've been using it like a drug addict!! .
Thanks for the response...I should have my Premium Blizzard pearl within a few weeks, called around a few shops to get some price quotes thats why i was curious.
There are backup LED lights that incorporate a beeper. I tried it with our Gen-1. Then I learned that pedestrians in Alabama don't stop and will walk behind a backing up Prius. Bob Wilson