I've been googling but haven't found an answer. I've installed OBDII Doctor on my Android but don't see the option to enable 'Console' mode. Are there any free apps which can send the AT commands required to disable the constant reverse beep? I already have a bluetooth OBDII adapter which connects ok.
Why not just run Techstream (dealer) software? The USB/OBD2 cable is around $16 or so and you will not only be able to turn off the reverse beep but you will be able to program additional smartkeys.
The one I used is called Elm 327 Terminal on my Android, but I don't seem to find it currently in the play store. Lots of other results when searching for Elm 327, so likely you could find one there.
I don't find it posted on Google Play anymore, but what I have on my phone is a non "pro" version of this as the publisher was also OBD Scantech: ELM 327 Terminal Pro - Android Apps on Google Play Looks like they may not publish/maintain the version I have anymore (it's showing last updated in 2013 on my phone).
Ah, "Elm 327 Terminal 1.2.1". I found it from other sources. Works great! Thanks! Used steps from here to disable the dreaded reverse beep: Programming a Prius to Disable the Backup Beep - Dogberry Patch Still need to find an AT command list for the Prime.
I need to replace/reprogram a lost smart key and diagnose non-functioning trip and disp steering wheel buttons. Will the USB/OBD2 cable in conjunction with the Techstream software be of use in both these endeavors?
It will make very short work of the key programming for you. As to the trip/disp buttons, I would certainly take the opportunity with Techstream to run a health check and jot down any codes, though it's possible your problem might not set any. Won't know till you try. Does your model have the Touch Tracer display (steering wheel buttons echoed over the speedometer) or not? The way the buttons are wired changes completely depending on that. (There's a fixed number of circuits passing through the spiral cable on the steering column, just enough to handle the non-Touch Tracer buttons as ordinary switches. Touch Tracer roughly doubles the number of signals to send, which is done by connecting the buttons to a small microcontroller in the steering wheel, and using the same few wires through the spiral cable as a communication link to send digital messages about what button is touched or pressed.) A meter and the wiring diagram might turn out to be your tools of choice for that issue. -Chap
You can easily program a virgin smartkey in about 30 seconds with the Techstream software. Be SURE that the replacement smartkey has "virgin/unlocked" status. You cannot program a used smartkey that is still married to another vehicle (you can but it requires you to buy a seed code which will cost you more money). Also be SURE the FCC ID and the IC number matches your current smartkey. So if you buy a used smartkey that is "virgin" and your numbers match up then you will have no problems using Techstream to program the additional key. I'm pretty sure you can use Techstream to run a button test on your steering wheel buttons. Oh and if you are going the Techstream route get yourself an old laptop running XP 32-bit with an available USB port. It will save you a lot of headaches trying to run on a 64-bit OS.
Thanks for the reply. Yes, my 2010 has the Touch Tracer feature. It has ceased to produce a corresponding display when "hovering" over the buttons. I assume this is related to a possible short in my spiral cable that is sending a constant signal somewhere thus disabling the tracer. I tried a meter on the offending buttons and on all the pins leaving the button assembly and had changes on the meter when activating the trip and disp buttons but I stopped at pulling the steering wheel and checking anything on the spiral cable. So far I am working without a wiring diagram - not that that would help this novice! My plan is to first acquire a cable and Techstream, do what diagnostics I can and if I find nothing, I'll try an el cheapo spiral cable from Hong Kong and hope for an improvement.
Thanks. I certainly would like to fix my steering wheel buttons before I need to reset the oil change reminder! With the display stuck in odometer mode, I can't zero out the reminder. Any advice on what cable/Techstream source is a good one?
Hop on eBay and search under item number 222438880862 . That's the one I picked up. It shipped quickly and included the Techstream software. If and when you get it in I can help you install it the right way - just PM me.
If the first thing you want to get rid of is the irritation of the continuous reverse beep, Prius Tweak does it for free.
If the first thing you want to get rid of is the irritation of the continuous reverse beep, Prius Tweak does it for free.